How To Easily Obtain A Visa




Let’s say you’re going on an exciting vacation in Europe. But it is – instead of joyful expectation, almost everyone starts to tremble quietly before leaving. Well unfortunately, doing it right, because as usual until the last moment do not know where to rest – in a selected country or close to home on the bench. The whole point of a visa: never did say that it is 100% get a visa, even if everything seems normal at first glance, then may have unexpected problems. So personally I happened once to submit the visa at the Italian Embassy with all documents alla regola d’arte said the Italians (a dreamboat- in Sicily). I was given a visa.

But what kind of visa! Not only that number of days does not coincide with what I needed, so in addition to this, another date and were completely different, moreover, that the dates do not comply, so they have managed to still go wrong month! As at the embassy saw my documents, for all remains a mystery But let us return to our sheep, you need to do to not get into an unfortunate situation: First, decide to trust the professionals, submit all documents for a visa (often they also may give Board in the case of your question), or do everything myself. Secondly, before submitting the documents, check them all on the correct filling, in particular: the dates, your contact details and names and phones indicate that, which usually acts as we all make mistakes, but at the embassy seems to have anything about this do not know why hardly mentioned the phone turns out to be wrong (and sometimes even long disabled) – all of a visa may be denied. Third, sometimes to the embassy of the particular country is virtually impossible to get because of the incredibly long line (so all the time at the Italian Embassy). Do not despair, there is a workaround: just get a visa to any of the Schengen Union. According to information received visas can travel freely in all countries included in this zone.

The only thing: if a visa is required for entry and exit from the same country, it is much easier. And if you’re going inside Europe to cross at least once any interface (for example, to fly to Spain and from there to Italy and from Italy, home), you will need to watch, whether you apply for a visa, it should be “multi”-ie . cross the border every Schengen countries can be multiplied. Otherwise, it may not be any the following country or stay in the first. Finally, the last and important – do not worry:) And even more so try to be calm, if you will be interviewed in Embassy. Remember that the embassy is also a people, and they do not have a single goal in life – to deny everything and always a visa. But if they see in front of him nervously twitchy man, nervously gnawing his nails, which are not able to call the country’s capital, where he was going, it may be suspected, and suddenly you’re not a tourist So the main thing – “Patience, not panic,” as Carlson. Check the papers – and forward to the embassy.