The Instruments

& n bsp; An elongated network is mounted on a frame metal that takes different forms, rectangular, oval, semicircular, etc. The front part of the frame leaving winds dying in the same ring that the Cape becomes firm. The sector straight bottom, i.e. which acts directly on the bottom, can bear teeth of material which differs according to the species to capture and to the nature of the Fund. Generally we are engaged the capture of bivalve molluscs by dragging between 2 and 5 dredgers at the same time. Currently used enbarcaciones provided with hydraulic dredges, which means this, that after booting the molluscs of the Fund appropriate conveyors elevate them to enbarcacion mediantra (what is commonly known for one imprint).

Fitoras tridents Fisgas: are very simple instruments belonging to the Group of which they work in a hurtful way. Still today are used in shallow waters of bays and ports to collect species of Fund as the leguado, plaice, etc. and occasionally cephalopods, cuttlefish, Octopus etc. Harpoons: Sharp elements that are handled in thrown way. According to its mode of employment and in general terms we can say that differ from the previous ones which they are released don of mechanical aid. ANZULEO & n bsp; It is one of the instruments that are they know from more ancient.

His form continues to maintain constant precticamente, so not the materials used in its construction that have evolved over time. Currently they are manufactured mainly of blued steel and galvanized iron. Bait rigs LINA CHAMBEL stick and ROCKER JIGGERS TROLLERS: working to trolling, i.e. the dragged by a ship that sails at a rate that varies for each species. & n bsp; Hooks can carry natural baits or artificiaes, usually plastic, traveled replaced by lures feathers, ribbons, etc., is holding together with hooks to a piece of thin and heavy duty wire called socala that turn AC coupled with a Cape that receives the name of piece followed the TECHNIC.