Chief Technology Officer

2002: log database “the log database was a very important step, to better manage the growing and number of installations. She brought us transaction security and as a result much less maintenance, there since no inconsistent state in the database. Before the write operation had to be bug in first manually later using repair tools. This support effort was dropped with the introduction of the log database”, explains Walser. 2004: abas eBusiness, 2007: portal the new Internet technologies found their way into the Karlsruhe ERP system with e-business in 2004 and with the portal technology 2007. “both of these technologies have supplemented with abas ERP modern Web solutions. With abas eB abas ERP data for field staff, customers or business partners over the Internet can be exposed to read or write. The access is secured and personalised.

The high level of integration with abas ERP will save interfaces. This also applications such as, for example, a supplier portal or access for service or sales staff can be easily create Web shops. The portal has an inclusive character, it combines a wide range of data from external and internal sources. Our customers can compare information from abas ERP with external data, link, and target to deploy,”explained the Chief Technology Officer. 2007: Walser is Chief Technology Officer Peter Walser to the Chief Technology Officer has been appointed the ABAS Software AG In 2007 and is responsible for the coordination of the development since then. “In the I get grew years previously through the Organization of various projects informally more and more responsibility. Unresolved issues I’m actively addressed and looked also to the solution.

There is deliberately no hierarchies and accordingly no title of ABAS Software AG. Responsibility stems from the willingness to cooperate. Parallel to this I learned in the Supervisory Board to think entrepreneurially and coached my willingness to bear risk,”Walser family father remembers.

Technology Europe

Hanze Institute of technology, Hanze University of applied sciences, Groningen of the Bachelor in sensor technology at the Hanze University of applied sciences Groningen is a degree in engineering with an international orientation. The English-language study draws students from around the world on the HIT also from Germany. Partner network: The practical in the study is organized through a broad network of partners. The network consists of national and international companies, partners, faculties and of course international students. Among the partners are well-known companies such as TNO, astron, NAM, and Sun Microsystems. Job profile: sensor technology is used in many areas of life: health, infrastructure, agriculture, general production companies or in the everyday areas, the consumer goods.

As a graduate, not only are you able to develop sensor systems, but are also responsible for the system management and innovation management. Curriculum: The Bachelor’s degree program “Advanced sensor applications” is a four-year degree with special curriculum. The curriculum consists of eight topics: health care, nature, industry, society, sensors, system and maintenance, sensor networks and data management. In addition to such classical curriculum, there are complementary subjects such as intercultural communication, personal development or career guidance. Amongst the students with their studies a high level of satisfaction. A study of the Hanze University of applied sciences Groningen showed the ASA (Adavanced sensor applications) students is happier than the national average.

You also appreciate the opportunity to develop personally and professionally. You can find more information about the College and to the degree also under: or in the social network: HanzeUniversityGroningen of the Hanze University: in 1986 founded is the Hanze University of applied sciences the second-oldest institution of higher education in the region. The 23000 students spread over a total of 20 so-called schools (faculties). Titled turning ambition into success”trains managers and experts the University in the fields of business administration, communication, technology, social, sports and art.