Pollution Sources

– DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM 1.1 .- Situation problem or opportunity. – Resource depletion or non-renewable energy sources. – Pollution from existing power sources (batteries, oil, etc.). – Poor accessibility to these sources due to its high cost, especially in low areas. 1.2 Definition of problem solving and setting goals to achieve – Create an alternative source of renewable energy – Providing access to energy for low-income people. – Reduce the environmental impact of polluting energy sources. 1.3 Variables controllable and uncontrollable variables: – Size, shape, design the prototype. – Cost of materials to develop the device. 1.4 Any restrictions – Cost – Time (time) – Theoretical (knowledge-mails) 1.5 Criteria for selection of alternatives: – Feasibility design – Implementation Costs 2. Search and Data Collection 2.1 Application of techniques to collect data: – Research bibliography – Counseling (from a professor at the University of London) 2.2 Application of techniques to detect causes of the problem: – Observation – Trial of Valor – Common Sense


Television And Technology

The world of television is becoming more and more complex, traditional cathode ray tube televisions, CRT and are also called outdated technology have given way to flat TV with new technologies. Know what is and what each offers. Maybe I’m thinking about changing television. In 2010 will take place on “Digital television”, ie, the various television networks no longer deliver the analog signal that we used a lifetime and will exclusively digital broadcasting, which is what is known as Digital Terrestrial Television. yTengo to throw my TV and buy a flat screen to watch the new digital television? The answer is no.

Just buy a DTT receiver and connect to the TV tube life to use the digital signal. Then And why I will buy a whole TV if I can buy just the receiver DVB-T? Obviously there is no need to buy a flat screen TV, but it offers many advantages: Today days almost all integrated DTT receiver (also known as DVB-T) occupy much less space reaches much larger formats (over 100 inches) may be cast in High Resolution (HD) and full high-resolution (Full HD), with a quality much larger image. They do not produce flickering screen is flat, not curved. As technology has great potential to evolve significantly and quickly, offering more benefits at a time. They consume less than tube TVs. Because of its size, also improves aesthetics. Prices are being reduced significantly YY what types of flat TVs are there? The offer is very varied, including the following technologies: TFT LCD (TFT = Thin Film Transistor, LCD = Liquid Crystal Display) The liquid crystal was the key to this technology.