Ambac Financial Group

Editor’s Note: When the Oracle of Omaha speaks, we all listen. This time, has been proposed to reinsure the bonds in the hands of the major insurance companies. To what accounted for this move? Can send me your comments a: what behind the Buffet proposal? Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 13, 2008 the markets yesterday closed the day with euphoria. End of the crisis? No, not much less. It is a story that can prevent the crisis to increase its magnitude was known. Warren Buffet announced that his firm’s investment, Berkshire Hathaway, had offered to assume the obligations of the leading insurers of bonds affected by the crisis, MBIA, Ambac Financial Group and FGIC.

The proposal is simple and consists of creating a fund to reinsure U$ S 800,000 million in municipal bonds that are in the hands of Ambac, MBIA and FGIC and avoid so they become the latest victims of the mortgage crisis. That Yes, the CDS in the proposal are not included. Thus, giving U$ S 5,000 million update of bond issues municipal, to try to prevent insurers from losing its AAA credit rating. It is true that Buffet is a philanthropist, but at any moment I thought that this proposal represented an act of charity on your part. The same is confirmed Buffet to declare to the CNBC: when I move closer to St. Peter I will not present it as an act that will guarantee me entry (in the sky). And if wasn’t for charity, then: what is the strategy of Buffet? Favorite Warren Buffet strategy is to go shopping while the majority of investors flee markets terrified, in these moments, which, when everyone sells, can become shares of a company or buy financial assets at prices far below the real value. Buffet has important business linked to the insurance market. Late in 2007, it bought the firm of reinsurance NRG (of the Dutch ING Group) for a price of 300 million and last January 23, acquired a 3% of the capital of the largest worldwide, Swiss Re reinsurance firm.

Geipel Ceilings

Claimed lifetime ceilings of 25 years. To create a comfortable environment in the office, which will enhance productivity, create a good spatial acoustic conditions. Suspended ceilings Geipel, in this case are irreplaceable. Due to the high absorption coefficient, as well as the possibility of producing the perforation of any diameter and configuration cassettes acoustic liner, metal ceilings Geipel help create the necessary atmosphere in the room acoustics, noise reduction, improving sound perception of speech, as well as significantly improve the working environment. In rooms with indirect light, as well as offices, designed to work with computers, it is important to create adequate lighting, comfortable to the eye.

Ceilings Geipel efficiently reflect and scatter light, creating the most comfortable environment. Finally, returning to the top of the article, mention should be made about such an important parameter as a design office environment. With a wide choice of types of suspended ceilings, office can be made in various stylistic decisions. Tape and suspended ceilings may have to have perforations of different diameters and densities. Originally ceilings look cellular, consisting of panels with round, oval, square or hexagonal openings. When you create a unique look office, if desired, the panel can be composed, creating a layered structure.

The panels can be equipped with built-in ceiling lights, designed in the same design. Wide range of colors, and different geometric shapes of modules can realize any modern architectural solutions. One of the unique solutions of ceiling systems is "shtrekmetall design", allows you to create aesthetically pleasing ceiling of any complexity. The panels in the style of "shtrekmetall" ceiling give an extraordinary lightness and height. Visually expand the space in the office will allow the spectacular mirrored ceilings Geipel, made of anodized and polished to a perfect shine of aluminum. Mirrored ceilings can mimic the color of silver, copper and gold, so you can create a sense of place in this luxury. Thus, the design Geipel, not only possess such properties as the practicality, environmental friendliness, durability and safety, but also help create a unique, aesthetically pleasing interior. Suspended ceilings Geipel are ideal for the office of a modern company, which invests his money wisely and care for the comfort and safety of its employees.

Chilean Technology Probe

-companies Chilean technology probe, the Mexican Telecom Claro and a group of professionals headed by Antonio Sepulveda, Eugenio Fourt, Rodolfo Gomez and Cristian Nieto signed on 14 July last the Constitution of society for the implementation agreement underway first telecommunications network cell phones designed to provide high quality services and value-added of specific interest to people who are part of the Community Evangelical and/or Protestant of Chile. 3Genesis aims to become leader and expert reference in Chile with regard to the business of virtual mobile operations (OMV) and expand its experience and services to neighbouring countries, where there are organized Evangelical and Protestant communities. The new firm specialized in the management and marketing of cellphone, aims to work in partnership with groups and people that gathered around faith in their respective Evangelical and Protestant temples in the country, they require a better inter-communication, both for personal reasons, as the collective and its evangelising task. 3Genesis offers to the Christian community, as well as their direct environments, services, cellular telephony and messaging of texts at prices lower than the competition, with various options of hiring (prepaid and plans) and deadlines for length of service. Also delivers specific added value to the community, including among its services: to) the word in your hand: the Bible Reina Valera 1960, in digital version contained in the chip of the acquired cellular, digital functions that allow you to quickly and easily access to books, chapters and verses wanted. (b) contact with your brother: A function of the cell 3genesis specially designed for a simple contact and permanent inter-community. (c) the Pastor to the door: digital service that allows pastoralists have in your cell phone to your online community.

(d) proud of your faith: ring-tones with hymns and music Evangelical. (e) Sunday school: function with special three-digit number that enables a direct biblical and pastoral advice on the study of the word. In addition, 3genesis offers its services to lower prices which alternatives and part of the monthly fee is intended to support the work of Evangelical extension, through foundations created by agreement with all the authorities of the Church in the country.

Samsung Service

As important as the quality of the product we buy is of service, which we must attend in Mendoza in the event of failure or malfunction. You must provide a guarantee adequate in its repairs and respond at all times to any claim by the consumer. THE brand since it founded in 1938, the Korean company Samsung has had a great positioning on the technology market and equality to the renowned quality of its articles requires its official technical services equal seriousness in dealing with the user. Its permanent investment in r & d has become a Samsung one of the most powerful companies worldwide. Due to its growing expansion it has become direct competitor of Giants technology like Apple or Microsoft in the world of telecommunications and veteran companies dedicated to the production of appliances, both Brown range and the so-called white range.

Service SAMSUNG couple MENDOZA to this excellence of departure has to go of the second step, which should provide an added value to the brand and that it is none other than the support offered to the user of their products. The proper use of the machines can provide us the security that its operation will be correct, but the warranty is good use nor there is perfection, so can fail. Damage which, at times, must wear due to ageing. Scientific innovation implies in many cases ignorance of the progress and use of the devices placed on the market on the part of a number of buyers, so this advice becomes key part of the attention to the public. QUICKLY a good technical service from Samsung will be which give an immediate response to the client. The delay in the settlement of the inconvenience that may have been no damage will occur more than what one might think, since the mood of those who raised the concern will be installed mistrust.

This can lead to in future purchases the brand see excluded their preferences. Samsung installs official technical services in each territory in order to provide the best attention to its customers. OPERATION and warranties communicated once the drawback, the repairer will withdraw the appliance in order to study the problem. Having made a diagnosis, is delivered to the person concerned a budget as detailed as possible where you are informed of the cost of the repair. It will be the client who, in writing, must accept that budget and authorize the repairman, that it shall then arrange the appliance. Throughout the process the device must be fully localizable so that at any time the person concerned can keep track of the State of repair. Finished the procedure the device in the user’s address will be delivered. The use of original spare parts is very important for the technical services Samsung in Mendoza. This can depend on the endorsement of the operation. The complexity of current technologies professionals requires that technical services are attended by highly qualified professionals and continuous training. They will be aware of the latest advances in Electronics and mechanics, as well as in customer service techniques. If this note has been interesting, do not hesitate to share it, link it, or post it on your website.

Innovative Technology

Usually the achievement of goals and objectives requires lot of patience, especially when we do not even see the fruits of our effort, the moments of waiting can be so exasperating that some people decide to look for other options, this situation we must avoid it, because it is a total waste of time, effort, energy, etc. And our morale is so devastated that it is simply not easy to overcome a blow of such. To avoid leaving our goals before it is necessary to define them with absolute precision, analyze the favorable aspects and the unfavourable, on the one hand the largest force that impels us to focus on the end result, but we must also take a look at the process, thus know what to expect and the most efficient way of facing adversity. The truth is we all want to achieve goals in the shortest time, then how to get it? Is achieved through faith in the Bible we are told that faith is literally capable of moving mountains, is really true? Yes, without a doubt that the is, the challenge is How to get the status of absolute faith? This is a complex task because we are internally full of fears, limiting ideas and paradigms that prevent us from that perfect spiritual connection. If we actually had a huge faith then everything would happen by magic and our goals materialise automatically, the conviction is a State of the subconscious mind, then there is the key to quickly achieve our goals and objectives, concentration and continuous actions send powerful messages to our mind about our wishes, is for that reason that persistence is very important to achieve goals. Apart from the work and focus do have other options? Fortunately, there is a spectacular technology of ISOCHRONOUS audio that emit sounds with certain levels of frequencies to induce certain States in our subconscious mind, this technology is based on tones isochronous leading his brain to a State conducive to be impressed with their most intimate desires, that way you sent to your subconscious ideas you plan to materialize, these audio accelerates the process of faith and conviction that they are specially designed to generate welfare states that filled it energy positive, same that will send a powerful universe to their projects flow with ease. Using this audio you will be able to carry your wishes to the source of all creation, obtaining one quick fulfillment of their desires, their goals so much material, mental, and spiritual. Most efficient for accessing our subconscious mind is through meditation or prayer deep, but to achieve this requires years of practice, while the ISOCHRONOUS audio technology is immediate, not required as much experience, simply their frequencies are scientifically designed to penetrate our subconscious mind remain awake and without any prior practice, the only thing you have to do is listen to the audios and focus your thinking on the ideas that you want to develop..

Technion City

The city and port of Haifa is one of the most beautiful of Israel and the Middle East. The city that is a synonym for coexistence between Jews and Arabs has all kinds of entertainment, a unique charm and a thriving commercial and industrial activity, almost unmatched in the Middle East. Haifa is first mentioned in the Talmud in the third century of our era, although some argue that the Haifa city was located where today is the city of Jaffa, South of Tel Aviv. The city located 90 kilometers from Tel Aviv, is the largest in the North of Israel and one of the largest with a population of almost 300,000 residents. The city’s port is the largest in Israel by the large amount of traffic of imports and exports that pass by it. Haifa is located on Mount Carmel where the Baha ‘ i Temple is located.

In Haifa is also located one of the centres of research and study of the world’s most important technology: the Tejnion. It is one of the most active industrial cities of Israel and several reputable companies they are located in it as: Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, and Google. Haifa also boasts a myriad of shopping and shopping centers and a rich nightlife with pubs, theatres and cinemas. Haifa is also host to one of the most important football teams of the time in Israel, Maccabi Haifa. The team has won repeated israeli first division Soccer Championship and has also played the euro showing signs of being at the level of the world’s largest when confronted to the Liverpool of Britain and other big European football. The city suffered almost daily attacks during the second Lebanon war in August 2006.

Digital Road Online

Digital Road, e-commerce technology provider, today launched InternetADN, a marketing consulting online specializing in products and services tailored to SMEs throughout Spain. Barcelona, 22/03/2011 Digital Road, e-commerce technology provider, today launched InternetADN, a marketing consulting online specializing in products and services tailored for small and medium-sized enterprise in Spanish. Currently there are many consultancies that already exist and offer exactly the same services to all users. Internet DNA are trying to adapt their products to the needs of small and medium-sized companies throughout Spain, with the aim of providing a specialized service adapted to all types of businesses and sectors that need a presence online. The company and business idea has been developed by a group of young people from an average age of 23 years. We can define his ideology of business as an attempt to help all those companies in their management online and try to open camino and understand the Internet world.

Your main objective is to create a much more transparent sector as managers and consultants online, and providing good prices for services offered. They already primal them positive experiences with customers can be rated on its web page. The firm has also, as objectives in the short and medium term, submitted a draft to extend its business outside the Spanish borders and internationalizing business. The website is already conditioned in three different languages, and are services from all kinds of techniques of graphic design, online marketing, services of hosting, mailing, and consulting website, from search engine optimization, creation and design of online spaces for all kinds of companies and e-commerce.