Internet Digital

Digital publications reached a turnover of 896 million euros in 2009. Provides a strong impetus in the market of online publications. New devices such as tablets or smartphones, along with the advancement of mobile broadband, portend a strong growth of reading online or digital that will progressively replacing traditional media. Advertising online ad spend to digital format transformation is evident. Online ad spend increased 7.2% with 654 million euros in 2009, while the conventional advertising suffered a decline of 15%. Insertions of search engines are positioned as the advertising format online with greater impact on the sector and the mobile advertising model is configured as a real alternative thanks to the development of new applications for next-generation terminals. Also is studying the evolution of the blogosphere in Spain. More than 2 million Spaniards have an own blog, 2.8 million written usually in other blogs and read them more than 7 million.

These figures confirm the importance that is becoming the blog as an alternative means of dissemination and the necessity of having the account its impact on traditional media. Consumption of digital content in all the sectors analysed is seen as continuing the revolution in the way of consuming content. The transition to digital is already an undeniable reality which is confirmed in all subsectors of industry content and audiovisual services. Music is the most widespread digital content in Spain, with 84,8% of the population consuming music in digital format and a 41.6% via the Internet. Nearly 50% of the readers of the press make it online. The digital book presents a penetration rate still very low but with high expectations for growth in the short term.

Avanza2 plan this meeting point of reference for the digital world is produced with view to the implementation of the Plan Avanza 2, approved for 2011-2015. This initiative combines the momentum of digital public services with the impulse of the Spanish industry related to the production, management and distribution of digital contents that foster the use of ICT and accelerate the development of the knowledge society. Through the Avanza2 Plan, Spain seeks to centralize the economic model in leadership in research and communication technologies supporting the creation and development of innovative digital content and quality. The Plan will focus on the impulse of the sector of digital content, as a sector of the future for the Spanish economy. According to analysts of the sector, ICT will be converted in 2025 in the second sector more added value will bring to the economy of our country, with digital content as one of the fastest growing activities.

Finding Employment

In a field of increasing competition and a general crisis situation, seek employment is becoming more and more complex. However, now, due to the network, new opportunities are presented to emerge and to so achieve the work that you want to achieve. In this way, I point out below 8 helpful tips that I think that you may help you better position in today’s job market and find the job you’re looking for. 1 Prepare an excellent CV CV has to assert so who see it will understand what are your highlights, your main skills and your career. Accuracy, thoroughness and a proper presentation of content are basic points to keep in mind when writing your CV. 2. Design your personal website to let you know in addition to upload your CV in webs of enterprises selection, current technology allows you to take a step beyond to get to differentiate yourself from your competitors: create a web page where able to introduce yourself to the world and allow that the employment agencies can view your work, learn more about yourself and your goals, know what makes you special staff and professionally, to see your CV or videocurriculum and having direct and detailed information to get in touch with you.

The best thing is that you can nowadays be there, make your own presentation website to facilitate your job search in a fast and easy way thanks to companies like Government, through an intuitive web Linkeditor and that do not require technical expertise or programming, allow you to create, customize and publish your own web page. 3 Configure your profile in LinkedIn networks put you easier to maintain a broad and diverse professional contacts network professional online such as LinkedIn.

Media Center

Media Center comes gaining its place to the sun in the market as a complete solution, integrated and with excellent cost-benefit, becoming thus a good alternative for who intends to have an excellent audio system of and video. Currently, with evolution of technology, diversification of devices and gradual digitalizao of information (making with that the same one is disentailed of the physical media), any residence can changed into a true center of entertainment when using all the available resources: Blu-rays, WebRdios, WebTVs, multirooms, receivers, digital TV, similar recorders, archives MP3, archives MP4 and. However, so that everything this functioned of joint form, it would be necessary to buy all the equipment separately stops later integrating them, with a result nothing surprising to a cost not very friendly. Exactly to take care of to this demand, Media Center was created: the equipment that integrate all the other devices of audio and video under the management of softwares developed specifically to get optimum performance of the system as a whole. That is, with only one equipment one can be had home to theater of highest quality, to store all the films and CDs (as well as TV programs), to disponibilizar them so that they are attended or heard in any environment of the house simultaneously or independent form and still being able to count on optional, depending on the model. Some You measured Centers arrive to have automation plates, so that even though the illumination and the blinds can be commanded. As any integrated solution, if the device stops to function the user will leave to have all the functions that it offers, what it is a disadvantage. However, the cost lowest (comparing it of the addition of the equipment) and with the available resources, Media Center is one of the best options for who just desires to praticidade and quality for a price.