Moscow Military District

In Moscow the fireworks to celebrate the 60 anniversary of Victory. In an artillery salute was involved about 4.5 thousand barrels. Among them were 63-year old gun 'ZIS-3' of the Great Patriotic War, which survived 18 pieces. As previously reported ria 'News' firing commander of a separate division of the Moscow Military District, Vyacheslav Paradnikov, many of these guns were fighting, some of them even survived the holes from shrapnel bombs and bullets. Fireworks 9 May 2005 was a record for the number and diversity of new species. Total Muscovites and guests of the city saw more than 40 different kinds of fireworks, five species more than in the past year.

Among them – the 'lights of victory' drop-down from the center of a different color, tricolor 'Zarnitsa' red 'volley Aurora', 'Astra-3', 'Pulsar', 'Apal', '', 'Corrida', 'Sunrise', 'Fairy Tale' and many other fireworks . For the first time a combination of fireworks on the main firing point Moscow – the Sparrow Hills – was calculated using a computer. 'The fact is that on the Sparrow Hills has been concentrated in Moscow, the largest number of guns (more than a thousand barrels) and technology. In general, management fireworks happened to Sparrow Hills' – said Paradnikov. He added that if the experience of computer simulation of fireworks will be declared successful in the future the computer can trust 'essay' salutes patterns for the whole of the capital. In Moscow fireworks launched from 31 points.

In addition to the Sparrow Hills, the instruments, in particular, were Oostanaula on Hill, Suvorov Square, Kursk station in Krylatskoe, vvc in Park, in Izmailovo, Perov, Olympic village. The first firing a volley was given at exactly 22:00. A total of 30 artillery rounds at intervals of 20 seconds. According to the approved capital the government order of the stations of Moscow Metro on May 9, after festive salute to the entrance of passengers will close 11 stations of Moscow Metro.

Welding Steels

For manual arc welding of steels are widely used with consumable metal electrodes in the form of rods with length up to 450 mm from the welding wire coated with these coating layer, which provides stable arc burning, protection against harmful effects of air and metallurgical processing of the weld pool. In the cover includes the following components: gas-forming inorganic materials (marble CC03, magnesite MgC03) and organic matter (starch, dextrin); ionizing or stabilizing – the different compounds in the composition which contains potassium, sodium, calcium (chalk, feldspar, granite, etc.), slag-forming, forming the basis of coverage – usually ores (manganese, titanium) minerals (ilmenite and rutile concentrates, feldspar, silica, granite, fluorite, etc.), alloying elements and the elements-deoxidants – silicon, manganese, titanium, etc., used in alloys of these elements with iron, the so-called ferro-alloys; binders – aqueous solutions of sodium silicates and potassium, known as liquid glass. To improve the performance of welding in iron powder coating was added to 60% by weight coverage. Metal electrodes for arc welding of steel manufactured in accordance with gost 9466-75, providing for the following classification: by appointment – for welding carbon (Y), thermostable (T), alloy (A) and high-(B) steels, as well as for deposition of surface layers with specific properties (H) by type of coverage – with a sour coating (A), basic (B), cellulose (C), rutile (R), mixed and other ( II). Acid coating (Electrodes ANO-2, CM-5, etc.) consist mainly of oxides of iron and manganese (ore), silica, carbon ferromanganese. They are into technology, but the presence of Mn oxides makes them toxic.

Rutile (electrodes ANO-3, ANO-4, OZS-03, OZS-4, OZS-6, MP-3, MR-4 etc.) have in their composition a large number of rutile TiO2. Such coatings are less harmful to the respiratory welder than others. Cellulose coating (electrodes CWS-1, WCC-2, WOC-1, etc.) are composed of cellulose, organic resins, ferroalloys, talc, etc. These coatings are suitable for welding in any position, but give the weld metal is reduced ductility. Basic coverage (electrodes UONI-13/45, OZS-2, BSC-50, etc.) do not contain iron oxides and manganese. Weld metal, made by such electrodes, has a high plasticity.

By coating thickness depending on the ratio of electrode diameter D to diameter steel rod d distinguish electrodes with a thin coating of M (D / d 1,8). The permissible substantive provisions of welding coated electrodes are divided into groups: 1 – for all positions, 2 – for all positions, except vertical, 3 – for the lower, horizontal to vertical, 4 – for the bottom. Separate electrodes for welding on ac and dc forward and reverse polarity. Coated electrodes have a diameter metal rod from 1,6 to 12 mm and a length of 150 to 450 mm.

Hair Removal By Laser

Finally, the method requires highly qualified specialist performing the procedure. After all, should be accurate to get electricity, "a needle in each hair. Laser Hair Removal Laser hair removal is well proven in the past few years. Technology is as follows: in patch of skin with hairs directed laser beam. Beam has special properties that allow it to "take aim" at the target – melanin.

This pigment is contained in the hairs and provides them with color. Melanin absorbs the energy of the laser beam that goes to the bulb and destroy it. The procedure itself is as follows. You wear glasses, the doctor prepares the skin for the procedure. Then, using a special attachment to the skin sent laser beam. Impact comes with a few interruptions, so as not to overheat the skin. Pluses.

The procedure is almost painless. Skin during laser treatment is not damaged, so the risk of infection or scarring practically excluded. With the help of a laser device can be a single session to process a large surface, such as the femur and tibia. The laser removes a well-vellus hair, so this method is suitable for hair removal, for example, gentle hairs on upper lip. Cons. Since the main goal of most laser devices – the pigment melanin, which requires a good contrast of skin and hair. After all, if the skin, and dark hair, the laser will affect all pigments immediately. Therefore, the ideal solution for laser hair removal – dark hair on very light skin.