Parquet Flooring

Frequently asked questions about the parquet work (sanding and polishing of parquet and wooden floor), said that the scraping and sanding the parquet pollute indoor air wood dust. How to scraping with a minimal amount of dust? If someone promises you the scraping and sanding the parquet or wooden floor is absolutely free of dust, that person is deceiving you. Absolutely impossible to get rid of dust, even in theory, but its amount can be reduced to neznachatelnoy value, which in turn should create a significant inconvenience for you and problems. We are in the performance of parquet works employ modern parketoshlifovalnoe and other equipment structurally equipped with dust collectors and dust collection, collecting the lion's share of dust in the bags in the process of parquet works. Before the floor covering with varnish or oil residues of dust and abrasive materials are removed special industrial vacuum cleaner. Whenever Adroll Marketing Platform listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Can the scraping and sanding the floor, which the fastening nails? Protruding from the floor of the nails or screws nail caps are a great danger to the drum or drive parketoshlifovalnyh machines.

Before performing the scraping and sanding the floor to thoroughly prepare the floors, in order not to damage the expensive equipment. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sander Gerber and gain more knowledge.. Can I live in an apartment or home during the parquet work (sanding floor sanding parquet floor varnish or oil)? In the first place to carry out works must be released from furniture and things premises in which the planned work. In real life, not always possible to immediately release all the rooms, so in the case of work carried out in stages. It is also possible not to remove bulky items (walls, cabinets, etc.) if they move in the future not plan – in this case it is possible to traverse the data items in sanding parquet or floor. Modern parquet chemistry allows you to choose non-toxic materials for parquet works (varnishes on the water basis, hardwood oil, gel filler), water toning) in order to be able to move if necessary, are not residents of an apartment in another location at the time of parquet works.

The Solution

Then on the floor applied lighthouses, for which the solution is applied to the floor. For greater strength to the floor 'body' Ties mure metal mesh. It allows you to avoid the appearance of cracks in the screed. After applying the solution to all this sex closed with polyethylene film for a more even drying screed. If the humidity in the room is low (in the dry and hot weather), it is recommended to periodically wet the surface of the floor, to dry the screed. Adroll Marketing Platform takes a slightly different approach. The minimum application layer of cement-sand mortar of 3 cm, ie in the place where the smallest difference with respect to the zero point of sex, there will be 3 cm, and where the greatest difference to be 3 cm + value differential. The mixture for the device ties selected from a large fraction of sand and cement the brand M-150 for less shrinkage and greater strength of the solution.

Drying time a tie for 21 days. If it is assumed that the level of the floor throughout the room should be the same for Miscellaneous finishes (tile, parquet, linoleum, etc.) then you should take into account the different thickness of the material and, accordingly, screed on the floor will be done at different levels, which will take into account the thickness of the flooring. If the vertical drop on the floor in the range of 1-1.5 cm, it is recommended to fill with a mixture of self-leveling screed, which allows you to save on material consumption and drying time of the solution, as This mixture has no restriction on thickness of application, ie raised to the highest point relative to the zero mark of gender, can be applied to almost 'zero' layer of the solution. This mix contains polymer additives, which allow her to hold fast on the basis of sex. Drying time of such ties 14 days.


Let me explain just a moment on the use of polypropylene for heating systems. It is believed in my view mistakenly, that you can use reinforced polypropylene. No doubt this story many times more reliable than conventional polypropylene. But – in the market there are no reinforced fittings! The conclusion is simple: the problem of conventional PP remains – now in the joints. 3. Linear expansion of plastic pipes win here no doubt: a very low thermal expansion material – when heated at 1 C yield elongation of 0.02 mm. for each Meter – allows more aesthetically pleasing to hide pipes, saving space.

To save the metal-tube stock to change the volume, it is placed in a special protective case, a little more than pipe diameter. It enough to keep all repairs on the outside and all the pipes hidden under otdelku.Polipropilenovye tube, with the exception of reinforced, give a decent thermal expansion – when heated at 1 C yield elongation of 0.15 mm. for each meter. Accordingly, in no case can sew polypropylene tubes for finishing back to back: when the tube starts to "play", changing its original size, finish will be lost. 4. Thermal conductivity. For metal tubes are characterized by high thermal conductivity. This makes them more suitable for use in heating sistemah.Odnako polypropylene tubes, due to the low thermal conductivity, have an undeniable plus in water supply (they better keep the temperature of the water) 5.

Interaction with oxygen from the environment plastic pipes in the house at least susceptible to interaction with oxygen from the environment, what is most important for heating systems. It is therefore less likely to use polypropylene tubes for installation of heating systems. For metal pipes have high thermal conductivity. This makes them more suitable for use in heating sistemah.Odnako polypropylene tubes, due to the low thermal conductivity, have an undeniable plus for water supply (they better keep the temperature of the water) 6. Resistance to mechanical damage Metal pipes certainly more fragile. Their use in a residential area is always associated with the need to pipe insulation from external mechanical vozdeystviy.V this regard polypropylene tubes show greater relative stability, particularly with increasing tube diameter (and thus the thickness of the wall).

Destruction Fungus

Poor installation of toilets, loose connection of water and sewer pipes, lack of bias in the last floors, laying cold pipe close to wood parts of structures * without insulation favor infection and development of the destroyers of wood. The most common destroyers of wood in homes are the following kinds of goblins fungi: merulius lakrimans, poria vaporaria, koniofora tserebella, paksillyus aheruntius. Merulius lakrimans (real houses fungus) – the most dangerous de revorazrushayuschy fungus. It is dangerous because of the speed of its spread and its forces of destruction. Feature the fungus is that it is very hardy and stored at various temp-ho RNO humidity conditions. In the beginning, this mushroom mycelium has vatoobraznuyu brown and pink and creamy.

Characteristic sign is the appearance of mushrooms, colorless drops of water and a yellowish fluid. As the mushroom mycelium and falls remain dusty gray film and thick strands of up to 0.5 cm first strands are white color, with further development, they turn yellow and become a dirty gray. In addition to bands and tapes, merulius lakrimans fruiting body forms a buff-yellow, passing on the development of the fungus in brown with pink and yellow or violet tint. This group of fungi is quite common and most often affects the softwood lumber. The destruction of the wood is in a longitudinal splitting of the fibers. Poria vaporaria (white house-mushroom).

This fungus also is a potent destroyer of wood. Mycelium his white vatoobraznaya, not giving any color shades and spots. The reverse side it has a yellowish-cream color. Boreholes mushroom thin, white as they age gain yellow-cream color. Fruiting body grows on wood in the form of a porous flat pad. The old fruit body gets creamy hue. The destruction of wood is the appearance of small longitudinal and transverse cracks. Koniofora tserebella. This fungus develops mainly in the areas at greatest accumulation of dampness: the cellars, basements.

Modern Technologies Home

Modern living conditions dictate additional requirements for the cladding and insulation at home. The use of new materials and technology allows to achieve very good thermal insulating properties inherent in the complex wall-lining that is very important for our country, most of whose territory is located in temperate and polar climate. One of the newest coating materials were front finishing panels 'Termobrik'. The appearance of the walls, lined with such panels, similar to a standard masonry. Each panel can be divided into three functional layers – foundation, insulation material and ceramic tile. Such sandwich panels with a thickness of only five centimeters in terms of thermal performance equivalent to the thickness of the layer of brick in the ninety centimeters.

A wooden house can be decorated with carved and embossed plates, inlay, paint, decorate leather and wrought iron. Or leave it as is and even stress this – raw texture of the wood, painting the cracks, knots and resin surface eaten bugs and filled artificial dust as if the furniture is no longer a century in a row. Modern technologies of wood processing are the guarantee that the wood trim will meet all quality requirements. This protection from rot impregnations, special wax, lacquer and modern water-based and much more. New technologies will make the same pattern trim the tree light up in new ways, changing the texture of his usual more exotic – eg, veins, showing through the color – black, green, amber or brown background. Wood trim – long way home decorating, adopted in Europe. Differed only in the woods and exquisite finishes.

A large area of the tree, for example, walls and ceiling, can significantly warm the room, sound insulation and provide a welcome warmth and comfort in the same offices and home libraries. And if you add a parquet floor made of oak, ash, maple or walnut and even bamboo and mahogany … Even such an ordinary object, like the grille can be a rare original by decorating a tree with an artistic pattern, immediately attracting attention. And every element of home wood trim will make elegant and festive thanks to a special color scheme and the optimum geometry of the lines. In carrying out interior decoration interior wooden houses need to be considered building regulations for interior decoration of houses tree. Interior finish wooden house or cottage includes a set of interrelated activities: at home insulation, flooring, ceilings, windows, doors, heating, internal communications (electricity, water, sewage), etc. Interior finish of wooden houses is carried out in conjunction with plumbing and electrical works. With a decorative finish of wooden houses you can embroider seams of wooden houses jute rope and jute ropes and hemp. Jute and jute decorative rope tow, as a rule, very often used for interior decoration in the bath.

Building Rubble

Today, for the manufacture of concrete structures and products, as well as construction of roads, is widely used rubble. Crushed rock – inorganic granular material, with grains of size more than five millimeters, it turns out through crushing of rocks, boulders and gravel. Properties of rubble. The quality of ballast is determined by its properties, it is – the faction, flakiness, morozstoykost, durability, radioactivity. Now a little more about each of their properties. Flakiness – a parameter plane rubble, flakiness when describing the qualities of rubble, one of the most important characteristics. Indeed, the use of crushed stone cubic form, gives a very tight ramming. Use of the rubble form the most appropriate and economical.

Frost resistance – is characterized by the number of cycles of thawing and freezing. In the construction of rubble used to mark frost from F300. The cycles frost rubble marked as follows: F15, F25, F50, F100, F150, F200, F300, F400. Durability – characterize the boundaries of the original strength of rock under compression and crushing. Depending on the type of gravel is divided into the following groups: very low strength of M200, weak strength of M600-300, the average strength of M800-600 M1200-800 rugged and durable M1400-1200. The radioactivity of rubble – with this performance should begin discussion of the quality of construction rubble. For almost all types of construction work can be used only rubble of the first class of radioactivity (less than 370Bk/kg).

A road construction, you can use crushed stone of the second class (more 370Bk/kg). Varieties of rubble. For various construction works used different types of gravel. Granite rubble – consists of a granular structure of the rock – granite. It consists of: a well-formed crystals of mica, quartz, feldspar, it has red, pink or blue color. Monolithic granite rock exploded, and then crushed in a car, and the resulting rubble is sifted into fractions. Gravel crushed stone – is obtained by sieving or crushing of rock quarrying natural stone cliffs. Prices Crushed gravel is lower than granite, and generally have a low radioactive background, but here it is inferior in strength granite. Gravel gravel used for concrete, road construction, for foundation work in production of concrete products. There are two types of gravel ballast is crushed gravel and gravel, it is usually a sea or river of origin. Limestone gravel consists mainly of calcite, occurs from crushing limestone. It is One of the main gravel road construction and manufacture of concrete products. Slag ballast is obtained by special processing of liquid fire-slag melts or by crushing dump slag. The cost of such products at 20-30% less than traditional rubble. There is a secondary gravel – it is obtained by crushing debris: asphalt, bricks and concrete. Main advantage is cheap, and although in many ways inferior to natural secondary gravel, it is still widely used in construction. In any case, the rubble – one of the essential building materials.

Space Systems

Data Center (data center, data center or server) – a specially equipped room, which houses the telecommunications and server equipment. Building Data Center (data center, server or Data Center) in Moscow and Moscow region – one of the main activities of Eurasia. Construction Company "Eurasia" – a major system integrator is a trusted member market data centers, many Russian companies, including OAO "Center Telecom", JSC "Russian Space Systems", entrusted to us the creation of their data centers; this is a highly skilled staff with expertise in the areas of IT and construction; is the creation of data centers from the perspective of both your business and the IT industry as a whole. Company "Eurasia" – is a team of professional architects, engineers, designers and builders. Our company was founded in 1996 and during its existence has gained considerable experience in carrying out construction work in Moscow and Moscow region, enabling us to give a 2 year warranty on all our work. Technology for creating Data Center under the key: planning, design, creation, operation, modernization. Planning Data Center (DC, server): identification of customer's needs, the formation of goals and objectives, develop the required structure, financial justification; selection area. Designing Data Centers (DC, server): the design of all systems, data centers, taking into account the Russian and international standards, selection of equipment and software systems, raising energy efficiency, development of testing methodologies of IT infrastructure, development of documentation for the operation and work schedule, approval of design documentation.

Project documentation is developed, taking into account international standards (Tier). Creating a Data Center (data center, server): construction of a building or training available, supply and installation of equipment, software package implementation, testing, development organizational structure. Operation Data Center (data center, server): maintenance of engineering systems, maintenance software systems, management consulting. Upgrading Data Center (data center, server): audit existing infrastructure modernized data center, the selection of necessary technical equipment for the modernized data center, the selection of new sites, training of personnel. Having considerable experience in construction of such projects, we offer the best solutions for your project.


Varnish protects the surface from scratches and impact cleaning chemicals. Thorough pre-paint the door surface preparation helps to ensure a quality end result. The old surface was washed and flaking paint is removed. Irregularities shpatlyuyut, for example, alkyd putty Spakkeli, after which the surface is sanded until smooth. Ground surface napimer, Exy primer or swelling.

After priming produces a light sanding. Color produce, for example, paint empiricism. Stained conventional solid doors do not cause problems, but the paneled door is much harder to paint. Larger areas can be divided into several sections, if not the entire surface have time to paint until the paint has dried. On solid doors is recommended to apply the paint roller mohair, then straighten the surface yet with a wide brush.

When painting panel doors, first recommended to paint solid surface of the door. Excess paint spilled across the panels, remove the wet cloth. The output of the line tape makes it easy. Stained windows by changing the load of construction equipment and domestic water, and on the exterior window frames increases. Building denser than before, and, consequently, the moisture content in the air inside the building went up. Wooden box wood, used for window frames, not always from core, and the type of wood varies. In Finland, the industrial manufacturing, windows make up to full readiness, including the color at the factory. Unpainted windows deliver little. Most ready-stained windows, but only a small portion is treated with glaze. As a primer for factory use polyurethane primer and paint for a finishing – alkyd, or polyurethane paint katalitnye. Before entering to the color of windows should be check that the window frame was quite dry. At the same wood moisture should be less than 20% when measured at a depth of 5 mm. Before staining, sharp edges ukruglyayut polishing, then brush the surface clean from dust and dirt.

Geipel Ceilings

Claimed lifetime ceilings of 25 years. To create a comfortable environment in the office, which will enhance productivity, create a good spatial acoustic conditions. Suspended ceilings Geipel, in this case are irreplaceable. Due to the high absorption coefficient, as well as the possibility of producing the perforation of any diameter and configuration cassettes acoustic liner, metal ceilings Geipel help create the necessary atmosphere in the room acoustics, noise reduction, improving sound perception of speech, as well as significantly improve the working environment. In rooms with indirect light, as well as offices, designed to work with computers, it is important to create adequate lighting, comfortable to the eye.

Ceilings Geipel efficiently reflect and scatter light, creating the most comfortable environment. Finally, returning to the top of the article, mention should be made about such an important parameter as a design office environment. With a wide choice of types of suspended ceilings, office can be made in various stylistic decisions. Tape and suspended ceilings may have to have perforations of different diameters and densities. Originally ceilings look cellular, consisting of panels with round, oval, square or hexagonal openings. When you create a unique look office, if desired, the panel can be composed, creating a layered structure.

The panels can be equipped with built-in ceiling lights, designed in the same design. Wide range of colors, and different geometric shapes of modules can realize any modern architectural solutions. One of the unique solutions of ceiling systems is "shtrekmetall design", allows you to create aesthetically pleasing ceiling of any complexity. The panels in the style of "shtrekmetall" ceiling give an extraordinary lightness and height. Visually expand the space in the office will allow the spectacular mirrored ceilings Geipel, made of anodized and polished to a perfect shine of aluminum. Mirrored ceilings can mimic the color of silver, copper and gold, so you can create a sense of place in this luxury. Thus, the design Geipel, not only possess such properties as the practicality, environmental friendliness, durability and safety, but also help create a unique, aesthetically pleasing interior. Suspended ceilings Geipel are ideal for the office of a modern company, which invests his money wisely and care for the comfort and safety of its employees.

Weatherproof Decorative

The basis for applying the decorative coating may be a wall of concrete, bricks, plasterboard, solid fiber board, particle board, all durable washable and resistant to abrasion old paint. The surface on which applied decorative plaster must be dry, clean, smooth as possible and not crumbling. Large defects need to putty. Valid shallow cracks and defects neobshirnye, not exceeding a depth of two thicknesses of deposited layers. Then, the surface should be covered with soil cementing. It must be done if the base rapidly absorbs water, such as plaster, porous, old, crumbling plaster. Decorative facade plasters – Thick cover it with a definite structure. The structure of the coating is determined by size and shape of particulate filler used tool, as well as technological methods of application.

The main advantages of their use include: – the requirements of careful preparation of several reasons reduced – high decorative properties of the coating – the plaster could be tinted in a wide range of colors – front cover have a high vapor permeability and mechanical – strength and resistance to Weatherproof – will facilitate further refurbishment of such coatings. Cover decorative plasters has finished appearance, but sometimes, to further improve performance and decorative qualities, plaster coating additionally painted. Paint the plaster coating, compared with smooth coatings require a much larger flow of paint. Decorative plaster themselves represent a significant material flow per unit area, therefore, such coatings have a high cost. Decorative facade plasters are an essential element of the external insulation systems. Choosing a plaster for the walls, the customer can be sure that you can get exactly what he expected: a designer have the opportunity to dream, to "play" with the material: to draw a picture, ornament, make a graphic figure. In order to reduce the cost of finishing and at the same time getting the color and style of interior solutions, you can trim parts of the room, alternating between the paint, plaster, mosaic and so on.