Robotic Refueling Mission

His departure to the international space station is scheduled for Friday. They fear that a storm may postpone the launch of the shuttle. It will take four crew members for a twelve-day mission aboard. NASA began Tuesday countdown to the launch of Atlantis on 8 July, with the fear that a storm that is moving toward Florida could overshadow the final mission of the era of the ferries. Officially clock started to count down at 13.00 h, USA (17.00 GMT) Eastern time, but NASA fears that the storm, which is located in the Bahamas and moving toward the Northeast, obliged to postpone the launch. Still there anything resolute, but NASA meteorologists observed its evolution, said Kathy Winters, NASA weather service spokeswoman in press conference since the forecast points to an increase in cloudiness and 60 percent of rain and storm in the area of the launch on Friday.

It is expected that the Parthian Atlantis to the international space station (ISS) on Friday, the 11.26 h (15.26 GMT) from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral (Florida), with four crew members on a 12-day mission. Spare parts and scientific material in their wineries take module Raffaello multi-purpose with five tons supplies, spare parts and science equipment to cater to the ISS, which orbits at about 385 kilometers from the Earth, before the end of forever the era of ferries. It will also transport Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) experiment, designed to demonstrate and test tools, technologies and techniques necessary to mechanically resupply satellites in space. NASA, Jeremy Graeber, tests director said that Atlantis is ready and responsible for loading of mission STS-135, Joe Delai, stated that the material also. If we had to delay the launch, NASA has a margin of two days for the takeoff of the Atlantis, if not, he would be postponed until August 16 by calendar problems, said Graeber. .

Khan Atomic

Shortly before the intervention of Khan, the Mayor of the city, Kazumi Matsui, questioned the national energy policy and highlighted the tremendous anxiety that raises the current threat of radioactivity in Fukushima. Criticism of us without ever asking clearly the end of atomic power plants, Matsui, son of two survivors of the atomic bomb, asked the Government measures to win back people’s trust and understanding. In addition, in its traditional peace declaration, called for the abolition of nuclear weapons and launched a critical tibia to EE UU to remember that continues carrying out its subcritical nuclear tests and other related experiments. The debate on the safety of nuclear power plants also planned this year on the tributes that were carried out in the vicinity of the symbolic dome of pump, the skeleton of the building was standing in the area after the attack. Although there were no large anti-nuclear demonstrations, some messages warning against nuclear energy, which Japan obtained 30% of its electricity before the accident at Fukushima could be seen next to the banners and posters for peace. Thousands of people, many of them to dedicate senses tributes and prayers for the deceased and also to show its respect for the survivors, who for years suffered the social stigma of discrimination came to the peace Park.

In Hiroshima, which today is a dynamic metropolis of more than one million inhabitants, there are 68.886 survivors of the atomic bomb with an average age of 77 years, whose stories acquire increasingly more value to protect your experiences of oblivion. So your memories go to future generations, and at the same time promote nuclear disarmament, the Japanese Government has included testimonies in seven languages for thirty hibakushas (atomic bomb victims) on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. New technologies also allow approaching the experiences of victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki through numerous websites, while Google offers this Friday, with its StreetView service, a virtual visit to the interior of the dome of peace, normally forbidden access. Source of the news: the nuclear debate focused the 66 anniversary of Hiroshima

Spanish Children

These figures more than expand the already extensive catalogue of books for this sector, which rises to 52.837 works itself. To choose the most appropriate to each age and profile readings, you can resort to various online resources. Two of the most highly recommended are the guides of reading of children’s literature and the Finder of the orientation service to reading (Sun), two services managed by the Fundacion German Sanchez Ruiperez, one of the most active Spanish institutions in the promotion of reading. Tips for parents help you choose: an improper work can thwart the anxieties of reading of the young. It is essential that parents help to select the titles most suitable to their age, but also to their reading level.

Cater to their tastes: parents should allow children to participate in the election and that this is according to their thematic prrencias of fiction, fantasy, history, comics, etc. Of This way, they will feel more motivated by reading. Demonstrate interest: interested in what they read, ask them about the argument and discuss it in common creates a significant link between parents and children and reveals the satisfaction which represents the reading activity for parents. Not only books: reading does not have to be beat only to literary works. To practice, can be used also for magazines, catalogues, manuals or interesting guides for children and youth. Exploit library: summer is a good time to take advantage of all the benefits offered by public libraries. In addition to being able to obtain the latest literary news on loan, many of them organized in the summer months specific activities for children and youth. * You can buy your books on PopularLibros source of the news: summer is the best time for children to recover the interest in reading

Jose Luis Peixoto Novel

The writer Jose Luis Peixoto is one of the most valued voices of contemporary Portuguese literature. His last novel, book, tells the stage of lusa emigration. Peixoto presents his new work in the midst of a violent and tender, rural world that ends in the Carnation Revolution. Poet, Narrator and dramatist, Jose Luis Peixoto, is one of the most valued voices of contemporary Portuguese literature. Now his latest novel, book, retrieves the episode of lusa emigration, in the midst of a rural world, violent and tender, that ends in the Carnation Revolution.

A historic time that Peixoto (Galveis, 1974, a village in Alentejo) has not experienced but which, as he explains in an interview, always lived as an absence. I was born in September of 74, the year of the revolution and, like many of my generation, we have lost a history that has influenced us and that defines us, but we are not experiencing it, it ensures a perfect Castilian this degree in modern languages (English and German). Influenced by Lobo Antunes and Saramago Peixoto collaborates in the magazine Visao, alternating his column with Lobo Antunes, one of the writers Ed along with Jose Saramago. Both Saramago as Lobo Antunes have influenced Peixoto, Jose Saramago literary award for his novel no one watching us and calamus for cemetery of pianos, award title with which achieved international fame with more than 14 translations. Saramago was very important for me, I met him nine years and everything you meant your positioning is Basic for us. He was an example to build what I want to be as a person, adds this writer with the ear drilled by the piercing and for which the literature is not a science but a form of knowledge. One has to live. And the task of a writer is to teach others that it is equal to everyone, which is not a character, but that has to be clear that when you publish something it is a gift to the world; and if one believes in the world, has to give the best that has and believe much in This is. Peixoto remembers a lesson he learned from Saramago was of the conviction of believing.