Federal Government




Article: Federal government announces the 100 first cities to be contemplated with Broad band of the Telebrs. Prices vary of R$ 15,00 monthly 35,00 R$ Robert Ramalho are Journalist and studious of subjects politicians the federal government announced the 100 first cities to be contemplated with Broad band of the Telebrs. Prices vary of R$ 15,00 R$ 35,00. Alagoas will have six cities. It was divulged in the end of passed August, for the president of the state Company of Telecommunications Telebrs, Rogrio Santanna, the list of the 100 first Brazilian cities that will receive the PNBL (National Plan of Broad band). Six cities are of Alagoas. They are: Arapiraca (AL), Messias (AL), Palm of ndios (AL), Joaquin Gomes (AL), Pillar (AL) and Wide Rio (AL). To all according to the president of the Telebrs they will be contemplated about 14 million people, who are the joint population of these 100 cities, being able all they to enjoy of the broad band ' ' popular' ' until the end of this year.

For strategical questions the greater part of these cities is located in the northeast region and Southeastern, being of it are at a first moment to the South region that does not have no city listed in this first phase. The National Program of Broad band, established that the prices to be charged will go to vary of R$ 15,00 R$ 35,00 for customer, for a minimum speed of 512 Kbps, being, in principle, sufficiently satisfactory. The mission of the National Plan of Banda Barga (PNBL) is to popularize the access to the Internet of high speed and to reduce the regional social inaqualities, beyond having as goal to take broad band for 40 million Brazilians up to 2014. Today, the covering at least arrives the 12 million domiciles. It is the government of president Lula investing in the devoid population that does not possess Internet Broad band and that with certainty it will have to continue with Dilma future Rousseff president of the Republic of Brazil.