Robotic Refueling Mission




His departure to the international space station is scheduled for Friday. They fear that a storm may postpone the launch of the shuttle. It will take four crew members for a twelve-day mission aboard. NASA began Tuesday countdown to the launch of Atlantis on 8 July, with the fear that a storm that is moving toward Florida could overshadow the final mission of the era of the ferries. Officially clock started to count down at 13.00 h, USA (17.00 GMT) Eastern time, but NASA fears that the storm, which is located in the Bahamas and moving toward the Northeast, obliged to postpone the launch. Still there anything resolute, but NASA meteorologists observed its evolution, said Kathy Winters, NASA weather service spokeswoman in press conference since the forecast points to an increase in cloudiness and 60 percent of rain and storm in the area of the launch on Friday.

It is expected that the Parthian Atlantis to the international space station (ISS) on Friday, the 11.26 h (15.26 GMT) from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral (Florida), with four crew members on a 12-day mission. Spare parts and scientific material in their wineries take module Raffaello multi-purpose with five tons supplies, spare parts and science equipment to cater to the ISS, which orbits at about 385 kilometers from the Earth, before the end of forever the era of ferries. It will also transport Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) experiment, designed to demonstrate and test tools, technologies and techniques necessary to mechanically resupply satellites in space. NASA, Jeremy Graeber, tests director said that Atlantis is ready and responsible for loading of mission STS-135, Joe Delai, stated that the material also. If we had to delay the launch, NASA has a margin of two days for the takeoff of the Atlantis, if not, he would be postponed until August 16 by calendar problems, said Graeber. .