The Hollywood Reporter

Appears Pedro Almodovar to the encounter with the Spanish press, just after the first screening of the film with public and their first press conference. And it calls for prints. It is a little lost – needed reactions that confront their feelings – although talkative. Behind his back, unless he is sin que el se de give account, his brother Agustin – producer of his films and now, for the first time, co-screenwriter – will be smiling as it opens and closes criticism on the web. Read the first positive impressions of The Playlist, The Guardian, The Hollywood Reporter, Time out or Screen International, something more lukewarm in Variety.

I love that I say, there was applause, because the press is tougher. At night they are more educated, says Almodovar. There have also been laughing in moments in which this thriller become a sample of cold horror should leave grieved in the armchair to the Viewer. Laughter is an element that serves to defend himself from the atrocities that you are browsing. I still remember what I have done do to deserve this?, when Carmen Maura discovered that people laughed at some dramatic moment. And to me it seemed that he was well, it liberated. The piel que habito, obviously, is not going out there, and if it has humor, is black. But for me a reaction of laughter is always welcome.

Each audience is different. They puzzle me the laughter of U.S. viewers, that pass is better than the Spaniards. Source of the news:: Almodovar inaugurates a new record in his work