Spanish Children

These figures more than expand the already extensive catalogue of books for this sector, which rises to 52.837 works itself. To choose the most appropriate to each age and profile readings, you can resort to various online resources. Two of the most highly recommended are the guides of reading of children’s literature and the Finder of the orientation service to reading (Sun), two services managed by the Fundacion German Sanchez Ruiperez, one of the most active Spanish institutions in the promotion of reading. Tips for parents help you choose: an improper work can thwart the anxieties of reading of the young. It is essential that parents help to select the titles most suitable to their age, but also to their reading level.

Cater to their tastes: parents should allow children to participate in the election and that this is according to their thematic prrencias of fiction, fantasy, history, comics, etc. Of This way, they will feel more motivated by reading. Demonstrate interest: interested in what they read, ask them about the argument and discuss it in common creates a significant link between parents and children and reveals the satisfaction which represents the reading activity for parents. Not only books: reading does not have to be beat only to literary works. To practice, can be used also for magazines, catalogues, manuals or interesting guides for children and youth. Exploit library: summer is a good time to take advantage of all the benefits offered by public libraries. In addition to being able to obtain the latest literary news on loan, many of them organized in the summer months specific activities for children and youth. * You can buy your books on PopularLibros source of the news: summer is the best time for children to recover the interest in reading