Nail Technology Design

Over the past few years, one of the most popular procedures performed in beauty salons, nail has a variety of materials. The most commonly used gel and acrylic technology, a little less – strengthening by means of silk, or sealing your own nail. On average, depending on the complexity of the order, the process of capacity ranging from 2 to 4 hours, but then the results may be more to admire two weeks. If you decide to build your nails, you first need to determine for themselves what exactly the result you want to achieve. In professional salons you will be happy to assist and explain what is in principle happens in nature, what technologies are used nails, and which of them is right for you. Decide for yourself, long or short nails you would like to have what they need to have a form as to be curved tips, etc.

Decide on the design. If you love classic manicure color, you are equally suitable and gel and acrylic. Aquarium design (when the thickness of the implanted nail decorations and different materials) are traditionally made in gel nail technology. Waterfall design (with three-dimensional figures) is used more often in acrylic. If you like jacket, then you must determine how you will do it – for special tips, or spreading "smile line" white or colored gel.

Be sure to talk with the master over your natural nail shape. Perhaps some forms and methods of nail you just will not go or be inconvenient in life. If you have problems with their nails – pay attention to this master. In some cases, irregular in shape nail can be corrected by means of scaling up. But in general, do not be afraid to experiment. Modern Technology nails do no harm and you may at any time be able to return to their nails.