Vineria – Wine Bar With 800 Main Actors




Over 800 bottled wines, 43 of them in the glass and a wine cellar with 4000 bottles of special sizes up to rarities: A wine bar is a place for special moments. Important business meetings, a romantic evening with your partner or a good conversation among friends: With a matching glass wine and a harmonious atmosphere each event gets a festive touch. For both, the Vineria stands for over eleven years. The wine selection is balanced not only internationally, but is also stylishly presented. The guest room in the former furniture factory is characterized by large wooden wine shelves. Guests can select their favorite bottle quasi per finger or sommelier in selecting Peter G.

Rock consult. The center of the guest room is a large, curved bar, in which up to 30 guests have a place. At incyte you will find additional information. A popular place for wine aficionados with unobstructed views of the wine racks and 43 monthly changing wines in the glass. A unique offer that in the Nuremberg region peer to peer searches. The open wines represent the basement inventory of Vineria this, wines in all price ranges and different areas are available. Peter Rock collects bottles according to experience, trends and exciting new products.

We noticed changes in the drinking patterns in recent years. Increasingly high-quality wines are requested, so something like a wine of the House plays no role at all. The guests let experiment and recommend the right wine for the occasion or meal”, explains the IHK certified sommelier. Concentration has responded to Vintners wines with unique character at all on the wine market changing the Vineria. Once Italian wine formed the programmatic backbone of the wine bar, in the past few years variety of quality wines from other regions has significantly increased. This includes Peter Rock: especially for white wines, the trend is clearly towards Germany. And that right, because has improved greatly the quality of the wines in the last vintages. Italy is one of our priority countries is, of course, but just from Australia, Spain, South Africa and California we took fantastic new wines in the program.” Many winemakers of in particular the German and Italian wines knows rock personally and regularly visits the appellations to become informed about novelties and taste. In the context of this wine tours (to consult the sommelier Web site) he has recently traveled to wine regions in Hungary and South Africa and established new contacts with growers on the spot. It is important to know the characteristics of the origin of a wine and to know the specificity of the respective varieties the so-called terroir. Thus I can convey not only much more detailed information to our guests, but better in terms of put the character of such extraordinary wines, for example relating to the chosen food.” Wines taste, enjoy aromas and collect personal experience: the concept of wine bar Vineria senses of wine pleasure speaking to. Event Note: Who has desire, the wine bar to get to know Vineria and especially over 50 wines from all over the world in glass, has to do so on Friday, 18 October (16-1 pm) and Saturday, 19 October (14-2 Watch) the ideal opportunity. The Vineria celebrates her second great wine festival and invites guests to a journey of taste through the idiosyncrasies of different international wine regions. Reservations as usual via