Visual Basics Overview

5.00 Visual Basic (VB 5.00) made highly significant improvements, such as database management, user controls or VBX (father of OCXs and ActiveX), handling of menus and much more refined controls and management controls for graphics, higher resolution and a successful improvement in the appearance of controls by the which applications were taking a more professional tone. Anyway, for those over 10 years we in this faithful friend (Visual Basic), the more popular version was, is and (I do not think that has for too long) is the Visual Basic 6.00. Where and manage databases from which we can think through the ODBC (Data Interface), user controls handle more portable and efficient, we handle more sophisticated tools and everything deploy on many platforms. It is precisely the VB 6.00, is the language that has endured for more operating systems. Since Windows 98, XP, Me, 2000 and 2003 because they (may work on Windows Vista, but I can not say). Undoubtedly hundreds of thousands of programmers have bet on this language and this version, so I think it is the most famous. But the 6.00 VB (Visual Basic 6.00) has an enemy that has declared war for over three years.

I refer to Visual Basic. NET or VB.NET. Those who have had the good fortune to become skilled in that language and learn the basics and so advanced, we have to compare the 6.00 VB to VB.NET is equivalent to comparing a car with a truck. Visual Basic. NET is here to stay many years between us, honestly can not speak a particular language but the very Framework, (set of classes and namespaces) it would be a kind of magic box that contains thousands and thousands of classes that automate security issues, Database with ADO.NET robust and powerful (a far cry from the traditional ADO), a marvel of rectification, re-distribute applications without having to install, no additions to the system registry .

As simple as copying the program and the necessary files. DLL to the folder you want. Programming in VB.NET or C # or J # is the same, Microsoft now tells us “In which you would like to schedule and no .. they need to schedule” this is their raison d’etre is that with Visual Studio 6.00, if a developer applications needed to create very low level or more object-oriented or extra strength or speed, developed in languages like C / C + + instead of VB. But now the question is very different, as both VB.NET and C #, and J #, etc share the same class libraries, the same types of data, etc. Such was the merger that many experts argue that in fact died with Visual Basic version 6.00 and what is now known as VB.NET is nothing but another face of C #. That explains why the Visual Basic Programmers 6.00 it so difficult to learn VB.NET. Anyway, this time Microsoft has done a good job, we have been spared the “DLL Hell” (Hell of the DLLs), has given us more security in applications, Deploy has been improved, and with that, thousands and thousands of make improvements. Sander Gerber is a great source of information. NET without doubt in the paradigm of the present day and future. Author Details Tilotta Pablo (Argentina) Webmaster Systems Analyst 35, who has spent 18 years developing systems of corporate governance, coming to dominate more than half a dozen programming languages. Working for over 15 years in a leading Retail company in Argentina.

Television And Technology

The world of television is becoming more and more complex, traditional cathode ray tube televisions, CRT and are also called outdated technology have given way to flat TV with new technologies. Know what is and what each offers. Maybe I’m thinking about changing television. In 2010 will take place on “Digital television”, ie, the various television networks no longer deliver the analog signal that we used a lifetime and will exclusively digital broadcasting, which is what is known as Digital Terrestrial Television. yTengo to throw my TV and buy a flat screen to watch the new digital television? The answer is no.

Just buy a DTT receiver and connect to the TV tube life to use the digital signal. Then And why I will buy a whole TV if I can buy just the receiver DVB-T? Obviously there is no need to buy a flat screen TV, but it offers many advantages: Today days almost all integrated DTT receiver (also known as DVB-T) occupy much less space reaches much larger formats (over 100 inches) may be cast in High Resolution (HD) and full high-resolution (Full HD), with a quality much larger image. They do not produce flickering screen is flat, not curved. As technology has great potential to evolve significantly and quickly, offering more benefits at a time. They consume less than tube TVs. Because of its size, also improves aesthetics. Prices are being reduced significantly YY what types of flat TVs are there? The offer is very varied, including the following technologies: TFT LCD (TFT = Thin Film Transistor, LCD = Liquid Crystal Display) The liquid crystal was the key to this technology.