Bowen Technique Wide Range




“BOWTECH in children and infants: hyperactivity and ADHD about Atlas blockade up to development errors for the children, Bowtech is very pleasant, because they must still be not 40 to 45 minutes, but they may play between the handles, or sit on the lap with the mother.” Ute grams likes to work with the original Bowen technique (short: BOWTECH) to children of all ages. The healer from Flensburg applies BOWTECH successfully for years. The method developed over 50 years ago by the Australian Tom Bowen is a holistic, gentle muscle – and connective tissue application. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. It is already used in Germany by around 500 BOWTECH practitioners. Others who may share this opinion include sander gerber hedge fund. The functioning of the Bowen technique: targeted handles activates the body’s own powers, relax the muscles and the nervous system is balanced. This holistic approach entails a wide range of applications of the method, especially in children: BOWTECH can be applied here effectively both in chronic diseases such as asthma, as well as for static problems such as pelvic Obliquity”, explains Ute grams.

Concentration disorders, hyperactivity, ADHD, learning disorders, dyslexia, or dyscalculia, development errors or delays are another great usage field for BOWTECH. But also problems in the approach area can be cheap to affect with the Bowen technique. BOWTECH effect in children with his gentle manner of rolling handles quickly and reliably. The children quickly lose their shyness and did not feel to be in a typical treatment situation”, so grams. Because the reaction of the children is even greater than in adults, they often just BOWTECH applications require also for serious problems, until a permanent improvement. BOWTECH is applied to people of all ages, and has also just on the age-specific disorders and diseases. So to achieve positive changes, such as digestive problems, such as the so-called already in infants with BOWTECH 3 month colic, breastfeeding problems or cry babies. Deformation of the skull or the mouth and throat can be by Bowtech as well such as the Atlas – often resulting in the birth process or also axis blockade, as well as other blockages of the body emerged during the pregnancy or birth.