Service Prescription?

Long arrived the demand for service in the field of health. Successful positioning on the health care market of the future cannot do without service excellence. The deal making with the services provided by hospitals, clinics and physicians in the focus of critical viewing of service has moved since the discourse on health care reform”at the latest. Capped by a superb social system patients could take so far – largely free – medical services and certainly also once allowed bypassing with the scope, quality and success. Now in the age of increasing customer responsibility”in the health care sector: probed the customer, if the customer chooses, decides the customer …und of primarily the customer pays, suddenly focuses on aspects of the differentiation that promise added value and increase the profit for the customer the attention. Patients are no longer solely interested to maintain or restore your health, but increasingly on extra services”, by individuality, personality,. Relationship, relevance and in particular sense to the own welfare”can contribute.

From the previous compulsory health providers must suddenly optional wellness supporter”, should provide not only highly professional treatment results, but meet also insgeheime experience and entertainment needs of the customers. This includes not only the obvious inclusion in medical decisions, treatments and methods, but also the design of service atmosphere”, with personal needs, lifestyles and values the customers to take their doubtless bond. The patient of earlier days surrendered the regulations of the medical sovereign, the customer of today – well informed and with increasing entitlement attitude is as co-creator of the health service. Own experiences and social exchange in the network also sharpen views selection criteria of appropriate health care providers: customer orientation is a mere matter of course and Service excellence is worth already a recommendation. “Bottom line: A service recipe” not there yet. But an appropriate philosophy for healthcare providers would suitable, who want to position itself successfully in the future on a vast mass market and at the same time build on a reliable customer favor.

Relaxation Techniques Stress

Relaxation techniques are the basis of a psychological pain therapy relaxation techniques represent a psychological base supply measure of pain therapists. The basic idea, the pain therapeutic doctrine assumes that always a bio-psycho social total happening is chronifiziertem pain and that also the therapeutic priorities must be set according to the weight of these three aspects. Through consistent exercising of the ability to relax, let but not eliminate chronic pain, they put the pain sick but in order to be able to deal better. If you have pain, lives in a vicious circle: pain stress leads as well as psychological stress of the dys to the secretion of Catecholamines and cortisol, commonly stress hormones called. This results in not only the well-known effects such as pulse and blood pressure rise, increased breathing and blood sugar rise, but also as an increase in muscle tone up to physical stress.

That in turn increases the pain and increases the stress. With the Ability to relax this cycle can be break through by used in a healthy and balanced relationship in the vegetative nervous system impeller nerve (Sympaticus) and leisure nerve (Parasympaticus). To distribute not relaxation techniques now dispersed over all pain patients, requires thorough diagnosis: a chronic pain disorder is present? the bio-psycho-social context is an emphasis on “psycho”? is there a false balance in the area of the autonomic nervous system? While grows from the affirmation of 1 and 2 the indication for psychological treatment, ranging from relaxation techniques can ranging up to the repetitive transkraniellen magnetic stimulation, signalled a vegetative false balance, determined by the noninvasive VNS analysis techniques, that relaxation techniques must be carried out urgently. You are able to minimize the sympathetic nervous system-controlled excitation readiness and modulate autonomously regulated processes (Note: autonomous refers to this) autonomous or vegetative nervous system in contrast to the central nervous system, which controls conscious processes).