Marat Arslanov

It is worth such a service is not very expensive – $ 10-15 for accounting for one person. And you'll save time and get rid of a lot of paper hassle. Learn more on the subject from Hilton Foundation. However, to avoid collision with different control organizations still fail. In the list of supervisors, who can visit a computer club, a few dozen names. But specific tactics should be equal to all. The first thing to do – ask checking documents. After that – to write name, title and name of the organization that represents the guests in a special log book checks, you want to make in advance.

We must make sure that visitors have a written decision on the audit, composed directly related to your company. It often happens that the reviewer goes to a blank form on which the stamp set, and the name of the officer who allegedly requested to verify your company, enter already in place. This is illegal! If all documents are in order, we must make a control call to the department, from which came the inspection, and specify whether the check routine. But even if you do find violations, we can not in the wake of the official, clearly hinted that can be bought off. One time pay – will fall into addiction.

You will be checked constantly. True, in recent times, such situations occur less frequently. And if your rights are still break – complain. Write letters to higher authorities, in press. Since bureaucrats have to fight their own methods. Works perfectly! Wishes to Marat Arslanov: – From the first steps in business Marat battle through tight bureaucratic cobwebs. In words, all it will help, clap on the shoulder, but in fact will put a spoke in the wheel and the pockets bulge, hinting at a bribe. So we should not lose optimism, but all the promises of officials skeptical. What's next? As a result of meetings with experts, "SB" Marat Arslanov decided: 1. Conclude a franchise agreement with the company "Polygon". Opening club in Krasnoznamensk brand already known to the network will reduce to minimize the risks that threaten the new business. 2. Use only licensed software. 3. Register your club in the form of a limited liability company (LLC). 4. Find a partner who will take the trouble to record payments to staff under the outsourcing learn how to develop business Marat Arslanova, "SB" speak in their next issues.

Business With A Sachet

Initial cost: from 1000 rubles monthly income: from 5000 rubles What does this mysterious word – a sachet? And it came to us from France and means a small inflatable pillow which is placed between the linen for the message to him a pleasant smell, or small handbag for a handkerchief. Sasha can be a pencil or a handful of dried herbs, flower petals, crushed and sewn or tied in the bag. Fragrant bag of fragrant herbs and flowers can be a wonderful gift for family and friends for any holiday. The main components that make up a sachet, the leaves are fragrant herbs and trees, the buds and flower petals. Click Startapp to learn more. The first sachet usually fill herbs with soothing scents – lavender, mint, lemon balm. Floral floral material are encouraged to collect the morning when the flowers have blossomed for the first time.

Plants within 5-6 days, dried and then mixed with the other – lavender flowers, fruit plants, small pieces of citrus. To use the sachets as a dry mixture of spirits are the dried flowers of honeysuckle, magnolia, lily, jasmine, rosemary, thyme, white Phlox, geranium blossoms, rose petals, hops, mint, currant leaves, lemon balm. Here, Adroll expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For dried flowers and herbs are added as spices and herbs, tree bark and essential oils. So we will have a variety of mixtures that differ in flavor, color and purpose. Pads to sleep normally stuffed with lavender, lemon balm, fennel, dill, lemon thyme, different varieties of mint, hops and a bit of valerian. . Sander Gerber: the source for more info.