It is possible that excellence is by far the most desired faculty within a modern society built by hits (visits by profile). Biotechnology allows us Furthermore – utopia of a future generation of women and men excellent, genetically manufactured as high quality tomatoes are currently manufactured. At least, judging by the desire that pours in spades through advertising, which in a convulsive way continues using the excellent woman for their purposes, it seems this the inevitable fate of femininity (a future similar to that described by Boris Vian in that ugly will die). Excellence, understood as form defined and closed that has come from a program (such as level of education) adopts a round beauty without vertices and exhaust doors, just as if the result thus achieved had a design process premeditated, reaches you effortlessly and which is obtained not by its own merits (from achieving success through the workfor example) but on given attributes. If the excellent is what has already achieved excellence, on the other hand, this then passes from being a capacity to be a quality, a reachable State from the confection of circumstances, personalities and even genes.
If the excellent is that which does not support faults, an excellent woman can not make mistakes, is more: it is not possible to commit them, because if it did it would not be aware of them (and technically would not commit them). Nor your health may be diminished in any way. Through biotechnology, excellent woman prototypes have to be manufactured to not suffer none of the worst diseases. At most, you will have a runny nose. But what happens then with contamination, contagion and all those factors negatively influencing excellence? The world in which we live is full of imperfections, flaws and unforgivable errors.
It is full of virus. If virtually an excellent woman is easily insensitive, a woman is real excellent even more. You would have to live in a bubble for not catching the flu or any other flu, because we must not forget it, higher quality biological (proteinicamente speaking) produces greater vulnerability biosystematics. The future of the excellent woman, if you produce a biotechnological landing (which surprised anyone that Monsanto remove the market excellent although sterile genomes) – is a fraught with future of fears, fears losing excellence, precisely because revealed he gets his great inherent weakness, a weakness that does not consider the paradigm shift that has been inadvertently, to mutate the word excellence for excellent. Synonymy with wonderful, extraordinary, sublime, beautiful, wonderful, Super future excellent women create a State of impossible and easily insensitive perfection, not only through the corrupt but especially through simple contagion contagion, simple contagion of everything being close is not or can be any excellent way. To not be like sirens, to become a woman excellent, is not more than a fiction that the legs have been amputated.