The Big Business Of Baseball

A in this planet Earth where we live is always manifest outrageous things, typical of a civilization dominated many interests according to the management of emotions, emptiness, restlessness, hence, not surprising that it is capable of manifest, ELA case of sports, where there are incredible business, as the case of baseball, where gloves, balls, bats, and skills of players who know how to manage, provide millions of dollars, euros many other businesses. Where the sport triggered several commercial activities. Sport in which players earn more than any other legal profession, an engineer, teacher, economist, administrator, journalist, doctor, to name a few to whom they are paid millions of dollars or euros for providing their services in a field game that is supposed to please those who identify with the sport. All this on the basis of his skill. a Of course, to assess the scope, representing Baseball business, it is necessary to venture into the United States where it operates the largest marketing is your game, where they are paid better wages and January. a That much money is invested.

Of course, there are also fewer in Japan, Mexico and other Caribbean countries. But the most relevant business and what it represents in profits, is in tile United States, a sua major leagues and associations. Baseball is played in these parts of the world: Africa, Asia, Australia, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America and Oceania In an interesting paper on this subject, Jaime Cervantes Perez says that global efforts Major League Baseball (MLB) following the same path that a Multinational Company (MNC).