Technology And Competitiveness




Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. Gabrielle Coco Chanel economic openings have emerged on the basis of the need to give way to the marketing, product exchange that benefits to the countries involved. Of course, to achieve this, they have developed technology that has generated products, services that foster a dynamic competitiveness and that favors those who have prepared for them, especially companies that have been identified with the emergence and use of the opportunities arising from these new openings. In this time, showing economic scenarios in which competitiveness is a determining factor, technology and competitiveness here play a significant role, aspect that cannot be ignored by management, or scholars of administrative science, this invites the analysis in this opportunity. It is known that the more predictable form of growth emanates from the recovery of competitiveness in companies well established and mature.

Since then, fostered through most deeply rooted means growth is progressively less predictable. The more aggressive growth strategy are precisely the less predictable. As Mack Hanan pointed out, this represents a message to companies that want to grow, and that is the need to manage a broad spectrum of growth strategies, from the most conservative to the most adventurous. But if they want to get a safe growth, fast and efficient in terms of costs, the better it is recover the competitiveness of companies that are experiencing a period of maturity, I dare I add also that it is also crucial to revise its current technology before the effects of the exogenous variables and above all, an inflationary economy. Companies faced with a reality of a changing economy and a great competition between national and international markets, in order to meet its objectives, agree experts have been strengthened with the following skills: (a) access to emerging technologies for development that can serve as the basis for capacity in relation to new highly profitable companies.