Water Software System




Test run the system: test of the system using special software. Cleaning the room (by the installers). How to be arranged in proper drainage? For this installers must: 1. Proshtrobit line. 2.

Shut off the water in the apartment. Drill a hole in the sewer. Firmly put a drain hole in the plastic tube to siphon. The layer of water in the siphon delay smell coming from the sewer. Attention! The drainage tube through which the accumulated moisture is given, must necessarily follow a slope of 5-10 mm, so that was a natural flow of water. If the inclination to do for some reason you can not, you must install a special pump to “forced suction of moisture.” But! This pump is not included and must be purchased separately.

Purchase cost 70 – $ 190, depending on your choice of a pump model. Peter Thiel may not feel the same. Main problems arising during the operation conditioner air conditioner blows directly on you, creating a feeling of draft. Solution: It is necessary to enable the oscillation of horizontal louvers (then turn into a draft breeze), or fix the horizontal flaps in a successful position. If it does not work, you need to turn the air flow to the left or right with the vertical damper. In most air conditioners, this operation is done manually, but in some models it can be done by remote. Problem 2: On hot days, air conditioning does not create the necessary coolness, despite the fact that running all the time.