Women Group In Engineering WIE




The past May, after the company/signature of the Agreement Frame of Academic, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Cooperation between the company, DIRECTIVE SOFT and UNIVERSITY RICARDO PALM of Peru, appointment occurred to an encounter to consolidate the bows of technological cooperation, between representatives of both institutions. The present appointment was carried out in the city of Lima (Peru), in facilities of the Ricardo University Palm, where it was counted on the presence of the director of the Dpto. of Publicity and Corporative Image, Jenny Guilln Sanchez, representing the Spanish company DirectiveSoft Corporation; and the Director of the Center the International of Technologies, Enterprise Development and Leadership CITDEL, Maria Chiok War, representing the Ricardo University Palm. Both institutions dealed with the oriented common intentions to the accomplishment tie projects with the education, the culture, the technology and the service to the society, in the search to promote the innovation and free software, establishing and developing mechanisms instruments of mutual collaboration and benefit, with the object of offering a better service to the community and to promote the development of the culture, the scientific research and technological. Thus also, the facilities were visited where at the moment the plans of the specific agreement are executed, and an interview like personality to Maria Chiok was carried out, Director of the Center the International of Technologies, Enterprise Development and Leadership CITDEL, that carries out far-reaching projects; and also, it is President of the Women Group In Engineering WIE- IEEE Peru Section; interview that later will be spread. This way, working on the base of the reciprocity, one looks for to stimulate the professional and scientific participation of both institutions, being consolidated the bows of active cooperation between Latin America and Europe. More information to enter to.