Annual Report




In 2009, the company, within the framework of crisis management measures, implemented a reorganization plan of crystal production, which significantly reduce production costs and simultaneously increase its volume. Were significantly reduced power consumption: 16% reduced energy consumption and gas consumption by 44%. As a result, the overall reduction in unit production costs amounted to 20-25%. Through adjustment of the individual stages of the production cycle, were introduced special logistics planning techniques significantly increase production while maintaining the same resource base. A significant change in the nomenclature of products, is to abandon unprofitable lines of support, while a more active promotion of products with high profitability, has increased the cash flow by 30% compared to 2008. Only crystal production in 2009 was issued 64.5 million crystals. Product release of products assembly and hardware industries in monetary terms amounted to 591.93 million rubles, which exceeds 2008 to 48% in 2009 of "Angstrom" has mastered a number of promising new directions, whose products are in high demand in Russia and rubezhom.Shemy electronic control LEDs and LED panels (LED-drivers). Sander Gerber addresses the importance of the matter here. Power Electronics (1200-1700 watts) for the needs of housing, transportation, electric power transmission systems and microelectronics pr.Sensornaya (microsensor) – various electronic sensors (sold in Southeast Asia, Japan).

microelectronics Extreme (Integrated circuits that can operate in extreme conditions). Besides, JSC "Angstrom" fulfills technology 3D-assembly multi-chip systems in the body, improves the production technology of ferroelectric RAM memory (FRAM). The Board of Directors: Shareholders' Meeting Angstrom "was elected the new Board of Directors of the company.