Clean Windows




If the rest of the room has light colors, your key pieces may be colors forts (red or yellow) to draw attention or give a room some energy. Simple window coverings. Clean Windows or curtains simple and solid color, wood blinds are good. Too ornate things in the window is disorder. Simple designs.

Colors are solid are best for covering floors (if they exist), furniture, etc. Complex, like flowers and cuadraditos designs create a visual clutter. Dim colors. As mentioned the Council 9 above, you can have a bit of intense colors in the room, but most of the room must be color faint or soft white is classic minimalist, but in reality any solid color that does not stress the eyes okay (earth colors occur to me as blue, Brown, green and tanned). Edit and delete. When you’ve simplified a quarter, you can always do more.

Dale a couple of days, then check everything again with a fresh perspective. You can delete? Have stored out of sight? That is not essential and that is of more? You can return to each of the rooms several times for several months, and some times you will discover things that you can simplify even more. A place for everything. In a minimalist home, it is very important that you find, appointed and remember the site everything. Where does the Blender? Gives you a site, and keep it. It always aims at practical and logical sites. The key to this is that you must have your designated site. Sit relax and enjoy. Once you’ve simplified a quarter, tomato a moment looks to your around and enjoy. It is so peaceful and satisfactory. This is the reward for all your hard work. Ahhhh. precious!