Information Technology




Man as part of the universe, and is a solid unit that is inextricably linked with the world of nature and society. Over a long period of global history, this relationship was relatively stable and, in some measure, predictable manner. If we consider man as energy-system in which there is a continuous process of updating the information on two levels, then we can talk about the speed of updating information in the system genetic (biological) and vnegeneticheskom (social) level. Since any periodic process can be taken as a reference, then we can talk about the reference frequency of information update on the first and second levels. For clarity, we consider the process of Fig. 4, where the upper part shows the total duration of conventional global historical process.

In order to determine the reference frequency of biological time, was selected statistics of different families, of which the normal distribution revealed that the average age of mothers at first birth is 25 years. Unit divided by the period f = 1 / (25) was taken as the reference frequency fb of biological time. One of the main characteristics of human society – the period of the life of technology in key sectors of society. In the Middle Ages during the life of technology was sometimes several hundred, and in earlier periods of history and a thousand years. But with time during the life of technology has reduced to decades. Thus we can conclude that the rate of renewal Information on the social level is not constant T = 300-150 years (currently 3-5 years, depending on the area of knowledge).