Light And Sound Machine




Light and Sound Mind Machine tmm Mirage – a new device on the market of light and sound Mind machines. He developed and produced in Russia using modern microprocessor and the new full-color rgb LEDs, manufactured by Technology E-POWER. Developed software and circuit solutions provide features that are available not in every light-sound device a higher price range. tmm mirage simultaneously manages brightness and frequency of outbreaks of rgb LEDs while the three Red (red), Green (Green), Blue (blue) colors separately for all channels. 16-bit brightness control dial allows you to create 4,096 shades of all colors, including white. In tmm mirage color management function can be chosen independently of stimulation frequency. Thanks to this technology, we can induce more complex psychological states and visual effects.

You do not need order extra points, all possible colors are already built and can be modified using special software. Additionally, the effects can be created by soft fabrics. You can arbitrarily change the area of the field of view to stimulating a simple rearrangement of the LEDs on the glasses. The range of frequencies of light flicker 0.0625 – 51 Hz! Set the frequency of flashing with a step 0,2 Hz in the range 1 – 51 Hz Installation frequency flicker with a step 0.0125 Hz in the range 0.0625 -3.1875 Hz! tmm mirage has 80 memory banks available for download or create their own programs of stimulation (sessions), consisting of nearly 2000 segments. The internal operating system can also be updated.