Advanced BioTech

In aerobic environments structural changes resulting in accumulation of partially oxidized molecules more water soluble and mineralization in the release of CO2 and H2O. The bio-remediation of soil, strategies can be divided into which is for the reference to treatments that do not require excavation of contaminated soil, which is a method where the soil is dug or material will be treated and handled in a controlled system like a cell land-farming or some type of bio-reactor This technique takes advantage of the ability of microorganisms to grow from substances harmful to the environment, so that degrade to carbon dioxide and water (Shmaefsky, 1999, Advanced BioTech, 2000, Mack Kay, 2001) also allows treat large volumes of pollutants with minimal environmental impact, unlike other decontamination procedures (Molnaa and Grubbs, 2001). Landfarming 6.4.3: Handling the ground to speed up and cleanup is included under the concept of “tillage” is done by transferring the contaminants to uncontaminated soil, which has been prepared in advance to avoid contamination and groundwater substances which may occur during treatment. The search begins in the processing of a soil sample through a series of dilutions, trying to get those culturable morphotypes, since a large part of soil microorganisms can not be recovered in culture media of microorganisms.