Acer Aspire One

While the netbook Acer Aspire One A150 ($ 500) in the same mode worked 1 hour 48 minutes. Windows or Linux – which is better for a netbook? Even those who claim to be a supporter of Windows, recognize that Linux is less demanding with respect to computer resources. And I must say that today there is no software for Windows, which would not have analogues for the operating system Linux, in terms of design and functionality, they are all very similar. For slow and not productive computers, Linux is preferred over Windows. And the more so for an inexperienced user to install Windows with the "stick" or an external hard drive, can agree with some difficulty. Computer operating system Linux, is cheaper than analogues with Windows. Common misconception that Linux is more difficult to work with than c Windows, is not applicable to the OS installed on netbooks: because they all have understandable and user-friendly graphical interface.

Which screen to choose? Those who are buyers of netbooks is likely to saving people, because opt for low-power computers in the price ($ 500). For easy operation in Internet requires a relatively large display. Displays, 7-inch is not enough, and better stop your choice on the diagonals of at least 8.5 inches (1240 600). Which is better: a hard drive or SSD? What is best to choose a regular HDD or SSD? – The answer to this question is not so straightforward and simple. The fact is that a netbook using solid-state drives that are not are not going to be compared with the fast and expensive SSD by Samsung and Intel. A work cheap SSD gives a lot of inconvenience. If it is a netbook with SSD, the use of Windows as the operating system is practically not acceptable. The fact that the constant circulation of Windows to slow SSD is much slow down your computer. Is not the case with the operating system Linux, while it requires much less work appeals to the drive, and for this reason netbook with SSD, and running the Linux operating system is fast enough. – future technology today