Web Immigration

“After Malaysia – not only for pensioners in the past 10 years (2002-2011) my second were emigrating under the Malaysia immigration program home” total 17.203 visas issued, of which alone 2387 visa far exceeded the estimates last year – which were. Leaders among the most applicant countries were China, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Japan and the Iran (www.mm2h.gov.my/ statistic.php). As reasons for the increase of applications, the authority provides the stable political situation in the country, the low cost of living, cultural diversity and the protection against natural disasters. But no less important reasons should also play a role. The resource-rich country has in recent years heavily in technological industries invests the biotechnology, information and communication technologies, it has a very low crime rate, offers a modern, well-developed infrastructure, a healthcare of international standard and has a variety of leisure facilities, ranging to world class events such as the formula 1 race. Peter Thiel pursues this goal as well. “With its immigration program Malaysia my second home” (MM2H) Malaysia promotes the international influx of foreigners. Designed principally as a retirement visa, immigration permission successful applicants initially granted a 10-year stay, which can however be extended lifetime.

While nobody is forced is actually in the country to stop, as there is also no minimum-stay requirement. “The accompanying multiple entry visa” allows unlimited input and travel at their own will. However, the Malaysian Government’s offer of the immigration is primarily aimed at financially independent foreigners who are able to make their stay in Malaysia from its own resources and without work Inc. So a property and proof of income, as well as the establishment of a fixed deposit account in Malaysian currency include the prerequisites. There are facilities for former civil servants and Retirees.

In principle, the visa may be requested by anyone. There is no age limit and no restrictions with regard to gender, race or religious affiliation. The advantages are obvious: residential real estate can be purchased in their name. A company (including work permit) is possible on his own name. The visa holder must purchase a tax-free car. Over 50 years, a part-time work permit is granted. Wife, children and parents must travel with. A foreign domestic worker receives a work permit. All foreign income is tax free (zero taxation pensions and income!). There is no gift, inheritance tax and wealth tax. The visa is obtained through approved agencies. To apply for a trip to Malaysia is not required. A comprehensive description of the program there is on the Web page.