The Entrepreneur




New features are available in the survey creation available Dresden, the 02.12.2013 with new and effective features feedback str more standards in the online customer survey. Functional changes in the feedback tool even more ways to give customers in the questionnaire creation, design, and evaluation. Technically advanced question types, as well as optimized processes of existing features to convince customers in practice. All innovations are designed so that they can be quickly internalized and practically applied within a very short time by the customer. A new type of question the evaluation question about the new features of the tool is the question type evaluation question”, of the answers in the form of a scale are formulated above. The methodological consideration is the following: one is interested in the opinion of its customers to a specific issue, for example a product or the friendliness of the staff. “The relevant question could be formulated: how satisfied are you with the experience of our staff?” The Entrepreneur hopes for this kind of question a reliable measurement of customer perception. The possible responses are ascending in the evaluation question.

Are the even number of response options is also commonly used as an odd number. The level of the scale are freely selectable between 0 and 10. The caption feedback str user can verbally (very good to very bad), numerically (for example, 1-5) or be carried out by symbols. The customer can freely decide on the design and formulate targeted his question. Often, users have existing functions to define the way your contact data in the questionnaire. Feedback str provides a wide range of contact fields available. In addition to standard fields like first name, last name, address, and the email now has the ability to define your own fields.

The user is fully in the naming and the number of fields. So, for example in addition customer numbers, key figures, or even booth numbers can be recorded in the questionnaire. The results page that is used for the publication of the collected feedback, was functionally extended also. As a new feature can now to respond to individual comments of the customers. Open questions or testimonials unanswered so no longer. Another important point is the new export function. Now, the applied questionnaire as PDF can be exported and printed as a paper questionnaire. Responses collected using paper questionnaires can be maintained in addition, depending on the date of the survey, the survey tool. The features in the creation of the questionnaire will be expanded based on customer feedback and the feedback str team.