The Sentence




The text did not want here to limit the good actions, but I believe that any difficulty that a person is passing, being we in the condition to help must make it; why after all of accounts it is a duty of the Christian! Without counting that we ourselves we are citizens to pass for definitive situations and can lack of aid. The omission is the act to ignore, to pass of plaza, to make seen thick. the destination of people who thus proceed is the fire lake prepared for the devil and its demons, observe that the perpetual fire was not prepared it human being, were prepared for the devil and its demons, but those that have action that they are resembled of the malignant one will be in the same surrounding. After to start to the sentence to explain you the reason? in the same way, only that now in negative way and reprovao, to start to describe the omission of bodes: I had hunger and not in of these eating, I had headquarters and me of these not to drink; being foreign, you did not collect me, being naked, did not dress me; being ill and in the arrest you did not visit me. The ones that will be its left will make a reflection regarding its acts, they will make choir to appeal of the sentence, as they were full of reason, therefore would not go to remember itself to have omitted a good action, and they will not remember themselves to have if omitted before the person of ours Sir, however Mr. will answer to them: in I say you to truth that, when to one of this teeny o you did not make, you did not make it me. It demonstrates here a great love to you for the abandoned ones and charges of us attitudes and not recklessness. .