Specialty Quality




Carlos Mora Vanegas the postgraduate programme of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of the Area of postgraduate’s Faces of the University of Carabobo that began in 1999, before the need for professionals fully identified with this specialty in order to contribute their knowledge, skills, skills to national, so companies that give way to the relevance, scope of creating and developing an excellent philosophy of quality and productivity that favors them, has very considered determinant than their teachers, participants take step to lines of research which collaborate with solutions, proposals and models that will benefit enterprises, especially for new challenges, technological development, competitiveness demand that the globalizing world. Considers the programme that his responsibility training, training, specialists in quality and productivity high level and develop research applied as strength to solve problems of quality and productivity in companies in the sector public and private and direct their efforts towards the the transformation of these companies and for the training of a leading and innovative Manager aware of the challenges you face in today’s world to make a commitment to the transformation of the current reality. The participants have a responsibility to present and defend a degree work that includes not only contributions, suggestions for solving problems of quality and productivity, but the submission of proposals, models that involve to companies, organizations and institutions, to benefit from what the quality and productivity in the present represents, product inquiries. Require the program to define its lines of research requirements to institutions, organizations, companies, conducted a poll that will determine where the main problems of quality and productivity, manifested the needs to be covered, competing requirements, modern demands in quality standards and everything, that’s step to favourable results in the exercise of this specialty. Strengthened lines of research were defined, taking also into account, the theoretical and practical knowledge of the curriculum of specialty in each of their subjects so, the program has established the following lines of research, so that you select the one that is of interest to the participant: models of quality systems.