Peru Processes

Ethnic Peru is a corporation dedicated to the design, manufacture, display, marketing and export of woven garments in alpaca fiber. Since its inception six years ago, ethnic Peru has succeeded in creating products that are at the forefront of fashion, using the highest technology. His designs are inspired by the extraordinary artistic expression of the ancient Peruvians getting a product with style, tradition and culture. In all our processes, we focus our efforts in the preservation of the environment and the social projection. Mission to be the most important textile company in the Peru looking for the best national and international prestige offering products of high quality conscious of the great responsibility of dealing with such representative of the Peru products. Vision: Ethnic Peru’s mission to become the leaders in sales nationally. We opened stores in places more strategic and exclusive for our target audience. Always keeping our standards of quality in all processes and be at the forefront of technology to have a proper growth and return on investment.

Generate more employment specialist and learning in the best working environment. Values towards the target customer of our business management, for which we have been inconvenient and we anticipate your requirements and preferences. On the professional side is the transparency, honesty and efficiency in relations with customers, the competition and the market in general. The commitment as an organization is a shared vision that will ensure the loyalty and the integration of a management team with common purposes and objectives, prerequisite for the achievement of an efficient and effective business performance. Quality, ethnic Peru, is geared to constantly achieve the customer satisfaction through our products prepared with raw materials of top quality alpaca. In addition to the strict control in all processes that have existed since the beginning of the preparation of the product up to the customer’s purchase. More information on its website original author and source of the article

Latin America

In that sense, it is not totally predictable or measurable deployment through traditional resources of psychometrics, in which culture has a very wide influence. This last perspective, you have to worry not only for the joint acquisition of the same skills and knowledge which are considered Basic for the best future use of new opportunities, but also by other aspects such as reduce the desertion of the high-risk population between first and fifth semester, curricular innovations and its adaptation to different types of students, the creation of resources support, stimulation and leveling that demand different types of students, and the flexibility of learning paths in curricular structures and space and learning time. Of course, it’s an effort that involves the institutions, and that a Government policy can guide through projects of broad encouragement. As long as the first option, which is dominant in most of the countries of Latin America, education will be exclusive, selective and in such a case the struggle for improving their quality will go against the poor. It will be very useful for the formation of elites in each country but not to dignify the existence of majorities. Inequity, the figures speak for the above, remains an unresolved problem choose to increase coverage in the context of an inclusive higher education system, or increase equity, via the improvement of access to educational programs with quality and a more inclusive vision for a less neoliberal appreciation.

The high attrition in higher education reinforces the argument against the increase in coverage versus access and equity. The defection by cohort in the universities is indeed currently 45.3%, in the of technological character is 53% and in the techniques of 60%. These considerations are not rhetoric since the figures regarding inequality speak for themselves. In the previous Government, according to the continuous household surveys from the DANE for the years 2002-2007, gross enrolment rate varied between 24.47% in 2002 and 32,48% in 2007; the Latin America average is 31%, which means that, for this last year, 3.3 out of 10 people attending higher education. But if we look at the net rate, that is most interesting because it speaks to us of people who actually attend the level appropriate for the age, the average for the same period is 17,77% and a rate of 16.31%.

The important thing to observe is the following: when rates are by income quintile, the differences are wide. While in quintile 1, or of lower income, higher gross enrolment rate averaged 6.35% for the 2002-2007 period, in quintile 5, the higher income, the average rate rose to 77,07%. The rate of coverage for the lowest quintile only rose 4.08 percentage points, whereas in quintile 5 the increase was 19.21 points. Similarly, the net rate by income quintile are broad differences between the levels. For the year 2007, in quintile 1 only 6% of people agreed to higher education, while in quintile 5 that percentage rose to 49.4%. The evolution of the net rate by quintile shows that 1 it was 3.03 percentage points and for the 5, 5.26 points during the period 2002-2007. These figures cast doubt on the enthusiasm with which frequently emphasizes the extent of policy coverage, seeking to incorporate into the system to the poorest. As a result, should change the hedging policy to one of improving access with annotated features. This should take into account and harmonize actions aimed at greater access, better quality and a lower dropout. Everything else is gossip.