Polish Red Cross




It fits to stand out that Kolbe priest made use of the press in very ample way. Launching the magazine and also a periodical, it felt and affirmed the importance of this media. Also it created a radio station, showing as soon as the progress technician was important and that cf could not be withheld (. NIGG, 1982, P. 38). Kolbe priest was imbudo of a expansionista yearning. It wanted that the world was conquered for the Virgin Maria (cf. they ibidem, p.42).

In this intention, a convent in Nakasaki established with franciscanos its confrades, in Japan, being this considered as a signal the holy ghost, a time that When, to the end of World War II, Nakasaki it practically disappeared of the globe, for the explosion of an atomic bomb, it subsistiu as for miracle the station missionary. (Ibidem, P. 46). 2.2 The Way for the Martyrdom In the day 1 of September of 1939 the Poland was invaded by the nazista army of Hitler. In this manner World War II with an aggravating one for the Poland started that also was attacked by the communist army of Russia (cf. they ibidem, P. 47). Extending war to it until Niepokalanw, Kolbe priest excused to its confrades he guided and them if to present the Polish Red Cross to take care of to the wounded.

In way to the bombings and the deaths, in 19 of September of 1939 the convent was invaded by the German troops and forty and eight frades had been taken to a concentration camp. After three months in the field of Amtlitz, Kolbe priest and had excessively gotten the permission to return to the convent that, when arriving, was in devastao state. From now on Kolbe priest undertook forces to restore the convent, come this if to transform into a shelter shelter stops pursued Poles and Jews.